Chapter 10: One Decision, Two Decisions

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After Hisoka closes the door I rest my head on the wall behind me. I feel confused. My heart is pounding.

"Why was I feeling like that? Why was that kiss so good? Why did he feel so good?"

I sigh and walk over to my bed and drop my towel onto the floor. I put on some undergarments then slide under my soft white covers and throw my bag onto the floor.

"Why does he always leave when I want to be around him?"

I sigh, "I don't even know it's probably just in my head... I'm probably overthinking."

I sigh. "What time is it anyway?" I ask aloud then look at my watch. "It's only 12:00 a.m."

I set an alarm for 7:00 a.m. then pull my covers over myself and drift to sleep.

-POV Hisoka-

Heart pounding, I walk away from her room. I feel myself losing control the more I walk away from her. I run a hand through my hair and lean against the wall breathing heavily.

"Why do I feel this way?~"

"I've never felt this intensely before~"

I feel my body temperature rise as I feel more hot and bothered at the remembrance of kissing and hearing her moans just moments ago. I feel myself ache and throb for her. I groan deeply. Walking further away from her room so I don't lose control... I dig my sharp nails into my palms drawing blood. My bloodlust starts to raise significantly, my aura flowing out in little bits at a time but in increments.

"(Y/n)~" I moan her name.

I start to walk to my own room groaning and holding myself back from turning around and ravaging her. I open my door and turn on the lights then walk into the bathroom.

I turn on the sink feeling the cold water running through my fingers then splash my face to cool myself down. My makeup drips down my face. I feel slightly better then remember those sweet sweet lips and start to tremble. I grip the countertops and hear a crack. My bloodlust increases significantly and I burst out of my room to find my next prey to satiate my hunger for (y/n).

I walk down an empty hallway with purpose. Right as I was about to walk back to her room, a man with burgundy hair walks out of a room. I laugh sadistically, running my hand through my hair, as his eyes meet mine and he tenses as he feels my bloodlust.

I chuckle, "Oh poor little thing... it seems you are my next victim~" I lick my lips.

"H..Hisoka!" The man yells angrily and afraid as he takes out a sword. His hands tremble as he points the sword towards me.

I look at the man. And a sadistic grin crosses my face as a single card flys from my hand penetrating the man's skull. His sword clatters on the ground and I feel my bloodlust reduce, my aches and throbbing decrease. I chuckle as blood pours from the man's skull, staining the carpet. I breathe in deeply and sigh feeling relieved from the events that unfolded.

"Hm~ much better~"

-POV (y/n)-

*Beep Beep Beep*

I groan and smack the alarm clock. Can't press snooze today. It's 7:00 a.m. the airship should be arriving at the next phase soon.

"Freaking mornings..."

I throw off my soft covers and freeze remembering last night with Hisoka. I start blushing and cover my face with a pillow and shiver slightly.

"Did that really happen?"

I blush a deeper red.

"Yes, yes it did..."

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