Chapter 15: Boat Ride

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After quite a while of waiting that jelly bean looking man walks out once again to lead us out of the tower concluding the end of the third phase of the exam. The sun shines brightly in my eyes. There are significantly less people now. I exhale softly and pat Killua's hair quickly before he tries to smack my hand away.

I laugh softly. "What? I can't help myself your hair is so soft. I'm a little jealous not gonna lie, Killua."

He blushes at my words. "Shut up... it's probably because you don't shower. I can smell you from here." Killua grins at me while I shoot him a glare then rolling my eyes.

"I can vouch for her Killua, she showered on the airship."
Kurapika chuckles to himself at the scene and a smile rests on his face. I blush at the remembrance of what happened on the airship and look away dismissing my thoughts.

Leorio is chatting with Gon about their encounters in the third phase. I hear little bits and pieces about spiders, candles, assassins, and betting. In the back of my mind I feel eyes on me guessing it's Hisoka but honestly not sure because it's not as intimidating, maybe that pin guy?

I shake my head and look at Kurapika opening my mouth to speak only to be interrupted by the voice that spoke inside the tower. He is a man with a purple Mohawk and round glasses, pretty short too.

"Congratulations on escaping Trick Tower, everyone. All that remain now are the Fourth Phase and the Final Phase."

"Only two more." Hanzo that ninja guy says thinking out loud.

The prison warden speaks once again. "The Fourth Phase will take place right over there on Zevil Island. Now let's proceed." He snaps his fingers as soon as he stops speaking which signals a cart to be rolled out by a tall bald man.

"To begin with I will need each of you to draw lots now."

I widen my eyes curiously. "Drawing lots for what? Maybe a team game?"

Several people next to me start to talk amongst themselves asking questions aloud. Until the prison warden once again speaks.

"Who you hunt, and who hunts you."

I widen my eyes in shock. "Oh crap." I bite my lip nervously then quickly release it.

At my actions Hisoka was intensely watching, wetting his own lips as his eyes dart from the prison warden to me.

The warden continues. "In this box are exactly 26 numbered cards. Which means that one of the numbered cards will correspond with your badge. Now each of you will draw a card in the order you exited the tower. All right. Which of you was first?"

My ears perk up at that, so I will be going second. My eyes sit on Hisoka's muscular frame. Looking over his shirt where there are rips from the blades from earlier. I notice that his wounds are slightly bleeding through the bandage I wrapped him with during the third phase. I blush as his muscular frame drifts into my mind once again making my face flush.

Killua elbows me and smirks at my flushing red face.

Nobody really looks surprised that Hisoka was the first one to get out but they all watch him intently. As if waiting for him to do something unexpected, which is probable. I watch him as well and he reaches his hand into the box that was on the cart.

Before he pulls his hand out of the box his smirk widens and he turns to look at me. His golden eyes making me freeze in place.

The moment fades as he looks away and pulls out what appears to be a blank piece of paper. He looks at it curiously seemingly already knowing what it is. Then walks to stand back next to the pin man.

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