Chapter 7: Only Two

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After running away from the turtle creatures Kurapika points out that we lost sight of the people in front of us. Leorio curses and wonders out loud which way we should go.

"Aww man... and here I thought we were doing so well..." I pout and they chuckle.

"Well we were doing good until you almost got eaten by a Noggin Lugging Tortoise." Kurapika says.

"Oh so that's what it's called..." I say softly to myself. "But fair enough, I see your point."

Leorio notices a figure in the fog and stops running, putting his hands out to stop Kurapika and I from going any further.

"Hold on." He says softly, which is not like him.

"Something's up..."

"Look over there."

He points to a circle of men wearing blue uniforms while holding wooden staffs, and in the middle of them is...

"Hisoka?!" I whisper yell with a surprised look on my face. Kurapika pulls both Leorio and I into some bushes so we can stay out of sight and observe from safety. I hear one of the men in blue speaks up, probably the leader of the group. I pay close attention and listen intently.

"You're not Hunter material. I've been thinking that ever since we met last year."

Another one continues. "We'll spare your life if you promise you'll never take the Hunter Exam again."

"Oh shoot... they're dead..."

"Sure, why not~"

His silky voice answers causing the group to gasp.

"I intend to pass, so there's no need to retake it~"

"You idiot, just look at this fog. Do you really think you can figure out which way the main pack went in all this?" The leader asks Hisoka.

"He's right. We all failed this year. No way we can catch up with everyone else." Another man responds.

A creepy but seductive laugh leaves Hisoka's lips. "That's it then? You failed so now you want to play Examiner?~"

He laughs again. "Hunters require prey, so why don't I play the Examiner? All of you gentlemen claim to be Hunter material. But I'll be the judge~"

He lifts up a four of spades causing the group of men to rage and try to attack him. Hisoka's piercing eyes and calm demeanor at this moment are very intense causing me to shiver.

"He must be very confident in his abilities, he's not even flinching as several men try to attack him all at once..."

I continue to watch this unfold as I stay hidden in the bushes with Kurapika and Leorio.

"What should we do?" I whisper to the two of them.

"Shhh, just stay quiet for now (y/n)." Leorio responds. "We can't chance him noticing us."

I nod in agreement and stay quiet. Hisoka instantly kills all of the men with a single card in his hand, casually. I cover my mouth with my right hand to keep myself quiet as I sit there watching in shock. The only person he left alive was the leader of the group. Hisoka speaks to him.

"Now then~"

The man falls backwards and sits in the grass then tries to crawl away from him. Hisoka walks towards the man, his muscles flexing with every movement attractively.

"Help! Help me. Help—" The man groans as Hisoka throws the four of spades into the back of his head. The card sinks in deep and the man falls onto his face.

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