Chapter 13: 💋 Toy? 🪀

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He smirks and pulls me closer so I'm sitting chest to chest with him as I'm sitting on his lap. My hips pressing against his and his lips ghosting mine. I blush a deep red then remove my hands from his now lose grip.

I bring my hands up to his face and trace his features with my fingers. He smiles, his eyes looking almost... happy? His hands on my hips holding me flush against him. I lean in for this kiss.

I press my lips against his and close my eyes. My hands still resting on his face.

"This feels so right..."

I feel his tongue slide between my lips and meet mine. He gently kisses me back seemingly with much restraint. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeper, out tongues pressed tightly together. He moans softly into my mouth.

-POV Hisoka-

"I don't know what it is but this woman drives me mad~"

-POV (y/n)-

His hands squeeze my hips and I moan softly into his mouth. He moans back louder at my noises. He hungrily meets my lips over and over again. I tangle my fingers in his hair gently to not mess it up. He bites my lip and pulls back.

"Mmmmm... my dear~ You are absolutely wonderful~ I just can't get enough of you~"

He kisses me harder, I wrap my legs around his bare waist, completely forgetting I don't have pants on. I blush as my bare legs wrap around his torso, skin tightly against skin. I do my best to avoid his now wrapped injuries.

"Hm~ it appears you can't get enough of me either~"

He growls and holds me tighter, his hands trailing down my back to my butt, and he squeezes me firmly. Taken by surprise I slightly jump in his lap, he moans deeply.

"I jumped on his.... yeah..."

He massages me with his hands to get me to squirm more on him, seeming to want me to move more. Which I do automatically from his touches. His tongue moves against mine roughly now and exploring every part of my mouth. I move my arms from his hair to his bare back and caress him softly.

His hands start to move down my thighs caressing them and massaging softer than he was earlier. He plays with the bottom of his jacket that I am wearing. And his hands slide under the jacket his fingertips leaving light trails across my skin. His fingers start to go higher. His touch feels so needy, like he can't and doesn't want to stop.

"Excuse me!"

A voice from the speakers said, it's probably Lippo. I pull away from Hisoka and he lets me break the kiss restraining himself obviously, but he seems unbothered by the Prison Warden and keeps and caressing my skin.

"There are cameras in this room as well... please refrain from doing anything inappropriate. More examinees will be joining you momentarily."

I blush at knowing someone was watching Hisoka and I getting comfortable... Hisoka just grins and slides his hands out from under the jacket and rests them on my thighs.

"Alright, I suppose I can do that~"

"Oh my goodness I can't believe someone was watching that....."

"Much appreciated."

The speaker turns off once again leaving the room silent. Hisoka removes one hand from my thigh and brings it up to my chin and makes me look at him.

"I guess it's time to dry your clothes now. I can't have anyone else seeing my toy like this~"

"Why does he keep calling me a toy? I don't get it..."

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