Villain meeting

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The villains were meeting in a cafe and they were not happy some villains betrayed them.

Miss power: Can't you believe the nerve of some people?

Dubois: Yeah, And where is that duck?

Tai lung: Will you two calm down? Dang!

Mojo jojo: Shut it snow Leopard!

Tai lung growled at Mojo jojo.

Him: Can all of you shut up please!?

Miss power: Why are you telling us to shut up?

Princess morbucks: Yeah!

Him: Because I'm leader an-

Marmalade started to laugh.

Marmalade: You? You are leader? What a joke!

Him: Pardon?

Captain Hook: Who made you leader?

Him: I did!

Miss power: Yeah right if anything, I should be leader.

Dubois: Yeah, we do need her!

The villains started to fight over who should be the leader of the villains, meanwhile a white peacock was in the back and was kinda enjoying the villains arguing.

Lord shen: Villains...They Always fight, and think a they are the leader.

The villains heard what lord shen said.

Triek: Shut it peacock! nobody ask you! And keep your mouth shut!

Tai lung: HEY! Don't talk to him like that!

Triek: Whatever, you guys fail to defeat the dragon warrior who was way stronger than you.

Tai lung and lord shen: HEY!

Miss power: Hey hey calm down everyone.

Titan: yeah, besides you're not the only one who was beaten by a hero, I beaten...BY A ALIEN!

All the villains: Oh, right!

Jafar: Right, he was villain too...I think.

Titan: Yeah, he was!

A door was suddenly heard in front of them

All the villains: NEGADUCK!

Lord shen:  oh great!

Tai lung: Shush!

Negaduck: Sorry My friends but I had to find new villains to-

Tai lung: Sorry? Did you just say, Friends?

Dubois: Shut up Cat!

Tai lung: I'm a snow Leopard!

Dubois: Whatever, what we're saying boss?

Negaduck: As I saying before I got interrupted! I found villains That will help us defeat the heroes!

Ursula: Who?

Negaduck: Follow me.

The villains except for Tai lung and Lord shen went out to see the new villains.

Negaduck: I want everyone to meet, NERISSA!

Nerissa pop out of ocean.

Nerissa: Hello, everyone!

Ursula: Well well well, another sea monster villain, right?

Nerissa: You got that right!

Negaduck: She'll help us finding the heroes and The villains that betrayed us!

Tai lung and lord shen peek out their head from inside.

Steel beak: Question, Why?

Negaduck: Because, half of the villains betrayed us, so we are going to hurt them, who's with me?

The villains agree with Negaduck which made him laugh, the rest of the villain, Lord shen and Tai lung look at each other with a shock expression on their faces.

Negaduck: We will start tomorrow morning.

All the villain went back inside except for Nerissa who went back in the water.

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