The fight

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The gang continued to walk and saw the temple until they saw the evil helpers.

Liquidator: Can we help you?

Evil helper: You can't go in there, Negaduck wants the wish.

Pinkie pie: Oh great! I bet that stupid party pooper had something to do with this.

Johnny bravo: Now what?

Blossom: Why are they trying to get the wish?

A voice was heard.

Scar: Because it wasn't from Negaduck! It was from miss power and Titan!

Rainbow dash: You! I'm going to-

Fluttershy! WAIT! Maybe if we let them explain, they can help us get the mirror.

Samurai Jack: She does have a point...Alright you have 30 seconds, go!

Hades: You can't have the mirror!

Twilight sparkle: Why?

Mother Gothel: Because the mirror can be dangerous even if you made the wish.

Rainbow dash: Are you sure?

Megamind: They could be telling the truth!

Roxanne: Yeah, I think we should trust them.

Rainbow dash: Fine! But how are we going to get through?

Cruella de vil: I got this, Hey you littl-

One of the evil helper use the blast to hit Cruella which made her fall.

Stimpy: You just hit a woman!

Twilight sparkle: There one thing we need to do!

Donita: What's that?

Zach: Yeah...What's that?

Twilight sparkle: We fight back!

Roxanne: WHAT?

Hal: Really? 

Eddy: Some of us don't have powers!

Roxanne: we can use something as a weapon.

Everyone looked at Roxanne.

Roxanne: What? I used a sign as a weapon before!

Eddy: Oh...Wait really?

A blast almost hits Eddy but he duck and the blast miss him.

Eddy: HEY!

Twilight blast the evil helper with her magic which made one of them fall down.

Donita: Nice hit!

Twilight sparkle: thanks.

Evil helper: GET THEM!

Zach: I hate to say this but-

Rainbow dash: CHARGE!

Zach: Thanks for saying something that I WAS GOING TO SAY!

Rainbow dash: Oops....

The team charged at the evil helpers while the evil helpers charged at the team, after that the battle begins. The team use their magic or weapons to fight while some used their fist, while some was hiding behind the rocks or trees, As they were fighting one of the evil helpers look at Donita, who was trying to get in the temple, an evil helper grab Donita which catches Cruella's eyes.

Cruella de vil: Oh no you don't!

Cruella throws a rock at an evil helper which made the evil helper disappear.

Donita: Thanks!

Cruella de vil: Don't mention it.

Martin: Donita, why did you go to the temple?

Donita: To make sure that the evil helpers don't steal the mirror.

Mr snake: That it's, GUYS! Keep the mirror away from the evil helpers!

Jenny: That's the plan?

Oscar: Just do what the snake said to do!

Buttercup: Don't yell at us!


Zach was hiding behind the rock, fluttershy saw.

Fluttershy: Um, sir? What are doing hiding behind that rock.

Zach: I'm not coming out!

Fluttershy: I hate to say this but, you have to fight back.

Fluttershy gets hit by an evil helper and fall down.

Pinkie pie: Hey! Leave her alone!

Pinkie pie kick the evil helper which made them fall onto another evil helper.

Fluttershy: Thanks pinkie!

Pinkie pie: No problem Fluttershy, That's what friends are for.

Zach look at the two ponies.

Zach: Is she you girlfriend?

Pinkie pie and fluttershy: NO!

Zach: Sorry, just asking.

Pinkie pie: We're just friends!

Fluttershy: Yeah...Just friends.

Kai was using his fire powers to blast the evil helpers, Rainbow was kicking the evil helpers, rainbow almost hit kai with her kicking.

Kai: Hey! Watch it!

Rainbow dash: Sorry!

Megamind: Yeah, you might wanna-

Rainbow dash: Watch out!

Rainbow kick the evil helper that was about to hit megamind.

Megamind: Did you just...Save me?

Rainbow dash: Yeah, I'll talk about it later.

Megamind: okay.

They continued to fight the evil helpers until every last one was gone, when there was one more, twilight her magic to blast the last one.

Captain Hook: Are they gone?

Mother Gothel: What do you think?

Twilight sparkle: Yep, their gone, every last one.

Jafar: Phew, Now what?

Twilight sparkle: We just need to-

Then out of no, there was this blue fog that wasn't fog, but it was spell, every last hero and villain started to get knock out from the magic which twilight was the last one.

Twilight sparkle: No-No-we Al-most the-

Twilight's eye was started to closed but not before a voice was heard saying:

? It's all over for you, princess.

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