The big threat.

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The villains went back to their base and Negaduck decided to take a rest, all the Villains did except for Titan and miss power, When everyone went into their rooms Titan went in the basement with miss power following him.

Miss power: Where are we going?

Titan: You know how our boss wants that mirror right?

Miss power: Yeah?

Titan: I have a plan to make sure those stupid heroes will never find it.

Miss power: Like what?

Titan grab a spell book.

Titan: do you see this?

Miss power: A spell book? Hey! That's the evil queen spell book!

Titan: So?

Miss power: How that's going to work?

Titan: Have you heard of potions?

Miss power: Genius.

Titan look at the spell book and grab the things he need.

Miss power: I can help.

Titan: Guard the door!

Miss power: That job should be easy, oh wait, it is.

As Titans was adding potions in the pot to the book he was reading, he was almost done with it, he just needed to add one more, he grab a pink potions and once the last potions the magic was coming out of the pot, the evil magic turn in to evil helpers, sense miss power saw everyone saw, she was amazed by this.

Miss power: Wow, so cool!

Titan: I know right! Now that we made them, Helpers! Get the map from the princess.

The evil helpers started to go outside and are on the hunt to find Twilight and the other.

Miss power: Wow, I have to admit, you are not bad as I thought you were.

Titan: Really?

Miss power: Yeah...How about you and I work together to give our boss his wish?

Titan: That's...Not a bad Idea.

Titan and miss power grab each other hands and shake, Then they heard something.

Titan: What was that?

Miss power: Let me check.

Titan look at the window and saw his Evil helpers Running out of the base.

Miss power: Look who I found under the table.

Miss power throws the table revealing A pirate under the table.

Titan: What the heck? Captain Hook? What are you doing here?

Captain Hook: Well I heard you guys and I came to tell you to stop!

Miss power: Why should we listen to you?

Captain Hook: Just give me the book!

Titan: Yeah right! You're just a pirate!

Captain Hook: Just give me the book!

Titan punch Captain Hook making him fall.

Titan: I don't think so, and why are you stopping us?

Captain Hook: Listen, That mirror you guys mention, It can be dangerous, maleficent told me in a book, it was in a legendary book.

Miss power and Titan started to laugh.

Miss power: Yeah right! That not real, it a joke!

Titan: A mirror that dangerous, how pathetic can you be?

Captain Hook saw his sword and Tried to grab it, but miss power grab it first.

Miss power: I keep this, thank you very much.

Titan grab Captain Hook's arm.

Titan: I need you to do me a big favor.

As Titan was talking, he was squeezing Captain Hook's arm.

Titan: I want you to not tell anyone about this and if we heard you tell on us-

Captain Hook Used his hook to hurt Titan but he missed.

Titan: We will hurt you and tell Negaduck about your secret.

Titan pushes Captain Hook on the floor, Captain Hook ran out of basement.

Meanwhile with the Disney villains.

Hades: What the plan?

Yzma: I don't know, and where the Heck is Hook?

Jafar: calm down! Yzma! He will be back!

Scar: I hope he bring food.

Cruella de vil heard knocking from the door, once she heard the door, she open the door and saw Captain Hook.

Cruella de vil: Hook? Are you okay?

Hades: You look like you saw a ghost.

Captain Hook: It's miss power and Titan, I tried to warn them about the mirror, but they didn't listen to me.

Jafar: What?

Captain Hook: And then they threaten me...And hurt me.

All the Disney villains: WHAT?

Jafar: They did not!

Scar: Are you okay?

Queen of hearts: That it's! They are going down! Off with the-

Mother Gothel: Hold on a minute! You said the mirror was dangerous...OMG THE HEROES!

Hades: What about them?

Mother Gothel: We gotta stop them! You said that the mirror can be dangerous.

Maleficent: I did, this means that if they made the wish, Something is going to happen to them! We gotta stop them.

Gaston: We can try, but will they believe us, They don't trust us villains.

Jafar: Well we gotta warn them, What are we going to do?

Ursula: Can we just at least try.

Scar: No.

Dr facilier: Yes we can, we have to.

Jafar: Okay everyone, listen up-

Meanwhile with miss power and Titan.

Miss power: Hey, Titan, do you think he really would tell on us?

Titan: In his dream!

They both heard a loud crash before looking at the window.

Titan: You right, he told them.

Miss power: Is that them?

Titan: Yep, they are going to warn the heroes, I can tell people I can see it at the window, We warn Hook not to tell anyone and what did he do?

Miss power: He told on us?

Titan: Yes! And Now we are going to tell Negaduck!

Miss power: Wait...what is his secret?

Titan: I can't tell you, but I will if we have a another.

Negaduck: Meeting time!

Titan: It's time!

Titan and miss power goes upstairs basement, with the spell book and once both of them were out Titan lock the basement door.

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