secrets reveal

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Twilight's eye started to open as she waking up from the magic that was put on them, she saw that she was in a cage and saw that she was not the only one, some were in a cage together while some were in separate cages.

Twilight sparkle: Guys!

Everyone started to wake up.

Paisley: Where are we?

Megamind: HEY! where the heck are we?

Everyone started to panic because they were confuse of how they got here.

Twilight sparkle: Everyone calm down, Maybe there a explanation for this-

?: I can explain this.

Three Shadow figure came out of the shadow.

Megamind: You three!

Rainbow dash: WHY YOU LITTLE.

Starlight glimmer: When we get out of here, we are going to-

Negaduck: And how are you going to that? We took you magic and weapon.

Gwen: You did what?

Jimmy: You can't do that!

Titan: Yes we can and guess what? We also stole the mirror of wishes.

Roxanne: You three villains are sick! Way sick!

Mother Gothel: You are going to pay.

Eddy: Wait! How did we ended up here?

Miss power: magic! Stupid!

Ed: Magic?

Miss power: Magic!

Captain Hook: You'll gonna pay for that! I bet this was secret! To take over the world with out the other villains!

Negaduck: I wouldn't say that if I were you hook!

Captain Hook: What are you talking.

Negaduck: miss power and Titan told me about your little secret, and I must say I was really shocked about what they say to me.

Captain Hook realize what Negaduck meant by that.

Jafar: What are you talking about?

Titan: your friend over here had been keeping a secret from you.

Captain Hook: Don't listen to them, they're crazy!

Miss power: Oh yeah, You think we're crazy! It not my fault you like Both Jafar and Cruella.

Cruella de vil and Jafar: What?

Captain Hook cover his face with his hat.

Titan: Yep he does and honestly, we didn't want to tell him until now, and not just like but you know, Is in love with the both of you.

Jafar: WHAT?

Captain Hook: Shut up!

Negaduck: too late!

Titans: Anyway now we are going to take over the world.

Ruby: Wait, you can't do that!

Miss power: Uh, yes We can! And with this much power, we can rule the world!

Titan: Hey boss, we also told The others and nerissa can help us rule the world, Now you can grant your wish.

Negaduck: Yes yes, and since you two help me...I will grant you guys a wish as well.

Hans: no NO!

Negaduck goes to the mirror of wishes.

Beth: DON'T!

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