The aftermath

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4 week later

Twilight sparkle: So after saving the world from dangerous villains we move into this city right here, and we build some buildings and Liv-

Applebloom: wait what? That's it?

Daniel: What about the villains?

Twilight sparkle: Well...some of the villains turned good while some remains as bad guys.

Diamond tiara: So...Question who was that mysterious villager?

Twilight sparkle: well...I don't know.

Rainbow dash: TWILIGHT! We gotta go!

Twilight sparkle: Okay, Gus can you take care of them?

Gus: Of course princess, you can sometimes count on me.

Twilight sparkle: Okay, Bye!

Twilight went out and see rainbow flying.

Rainbow dash: Ready to go?

Twilight sparkle: Yep.

The two girls went flying to help their friends and live happily ever after.

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