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It was night time and lord shen and Tai lung couldn't sleep after hearing what Negaduck said, while the other villains were asleep.

Lord shen: I-I can't believe it.

Tai: Yeah, believe it!

Lord shen: I mean, this has gone too far...Even for me.

Tai lung: Didn't you try to hurt the pandas?

Lord shen: I don't wanna talk about it.

Tai lung: Oh...Okay Sorry for asking, it's clear to me now.

Lord Shen looked confused

Tai lung: We can't work with this crazy lunatic anymore, he driving me nuts!

Lord shen: Yeah, me neither, He way to evil, He way worse then the other villains.

Tai lung: I don't know about that, Zach, Donita, gourmand, and Paisley were worst.

Lord shen: What about titan?

Tai lung: I don't even want to think about it!

Lord shen: Right, sorry.

There were silent for a few seconds.

Lord shen: What are we going to do?

Tai lung: I'll tell you what we will do, we are going to leave the villains and never come back!

Lord shen spited out the water he was drinking from a glass cup.

Lord shen: What did you just say?

Tai lung: You heard me.

Lord shen: But Negaduck is gonna be mad.

Tai lung: I don care! I rather leave the team then staying with them!

Lord shen: I mean, he was extremely rude to us, you know what, I'm coming with you!

Tai lung: That the spirit!

Tai lung and lord shen started to pack their thing, once they got done packing, they head out somewhere far away.

I'm sorry if this was short the next one will be a little bit longer.

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