Meeting for the first time

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When Twilight was getting to use her magic a voice was heard.

Megamind: Are you okay?

Rainbow dash: AHHHH Blue....I don't know what you are?

Roxanne: He's an alien.

Rainbow dash: An alien? Do you know what this mean?

Twilight sparkle: What?

Rainbow dash: He a BAD GUY!

Megamind: What? No...I mean I was but-

Rainbow dash: I'm going to take you down!

Rainbow charged at Megamind, but Twilight use her magic to stop her.

Fluttershy: Rainbow dash! Is that nice to talk someone like that?

Rainbow dash: No.

Fluttershy: Now, we need to let him explain everything or she can explain.

Fluttershy pointed at Roxanne.

Roxanne: Okay so, yes he was a bad guy but, he is a good guy now so, he on the heroes side.

Fluttershy: See Rainbow?

Rainbow dash: I still don't trust him!

Pinkie pie: Well, I do!

Applejack: Sorry about my friend mister, She can...let just say she can get too carry away.

Rainbow glare at applejack.

Megamind: it's okay, anyway wanna meet the others?

Twilight look confused.

Twilight sparkle: More what?

Megamind: Follow me.

Megamind and Roxanne led the girls to the hallway and saw a door, Roxanne open the door and what girls saw inside was shocking, inside was a bunch of cartoon that the girls have never seen before.

Rarity: What the-

Sunset shimmer: Cool!

A pink troll saw the pony and decided to walk toward them.

Poppy: Hi! I'm poppy or you can call me princess poppy.

Twilight sparkle: your a princess too?

Poppy: Yep!

Branch: Poppy! Who are yo-Oh...Hi! I'm Branch.

Pinkie pie: Hello there, hey Poppy is he your boyfriend?

Poppy and Branch both blushed.

Poppy: Yeah, he is.

Fluttershy: That's so cute.

Poppy: Thanks wanna hang out?

Pinkie pie: sure!

The girls expect for Sunset was walking around the room, sunset walk over to Megamind and Roxanne.

Sunset shimmer: I'm so sorry about my friend, It's just that she never met an alien before.

Megamind: it's okay...

Megavolt: Hey! Sorry, have you guys seen Quackerjack?

Sunset shimmer: Who?

Bushroot: His friend!

Sunset shimmer: No...Sorry.

Megavolt: Oh, okay, come on bushroot, let's keep looking.

Meanwhile with Pinkie pie.

Pinkie pie: So you are a dog a that can talk?

Martha: Yep, I ate some alphabet soup, and that how I talked.

Pinkie pie: Really? Is that true?

Martha: Yep.

Pinkie pie: Wow! Cool!

Martha: I know.

Meanwhile with twilight.

Gretchen: So are you a genius too or a princess?

Twilight sparkle: I'm actually both, a princess and a genius at the same time, are you a princess?

Gretchen: Sadly no.

Twilight sparkle: Oh...okay, Wait how did you guys get here in the first place?

?: I'll tell you what happen.

A voice was heard from the shadows, the person who was in the shadow came out of the light, revealing another alien.

Chris: I'm sorry, who are you?

Zim: I'm Zim and I'll tell you what happen! Someone used magic to make a portal, And then all of us were teleported here!

Twilight's eyes wide open because she realize that she was one who made the portal, how did she not know about this up until now? Then she spoke.

Twilight sparkle: That was mine fault, I was the one who made the portal but didn't know about the side affect.

Everyone looked at twilight confusingly and Looked at each other.

Quackerjack: That was you?

Megavolt: There you are!

Quackerjack: Darn it!

Penny: Well, at least we know now what happen, right mom.

Trudy: indeed, wait, where's Oscar?

Gwen: Who?

Penny: My dad.

Oscar: I'm here!

Trudy: Oscar, Where did you go?

Oscar: I was talking to him.

Oscar point at the liquidator, Penny and Trudy looked shocked.

Penny: Whoa! He made of water! Cool.

Trudy: I know.

Meanwhile with Twilight.

Twilight was looking at her book and tried to figure out how the spell gone loose to other worlds, Beth walk toward twilight.

Beth: Hey if your still upset about what happen, don't be upset, you didn't know about the portal.

Twilight sparkle: Thanks you, and uh...How do we get out?

Beth: I don't know.

Twilight looked at the wall and walk toward it and then stops, she use her magic to break the wall which caught everyone attention, twilight turn around and saw that everyone was looking at her.

Twilight sparkle: What?

Adam: How did you do that?

Applejack: magic.

Adam: Oh...

Twilight sparkle: Come on everyone, let's go  and get out of here! I don't wanna be stuck here!

Mr wolf: I'm with the purple pony, we need to get out of here!

Everyone went out of the room and went to go find a bus or something, with a Voice saying.

?: let the fun begin.

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