The final battle

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The villains were destroying the place with lasers, Power of fist or blast, Titan and miss power were looking at the distance and were happy that the villains were taking over the world.

Titan: This is the life of villains.

Miss power: Yeah, We will take it all and will be the number 2 villains.

Titan: Number 2?

Miss power: Yeah...Since our boss could be number 1 again, I figured maybe we can be number 2?

Titan: That sound...AWESOME!

Marmalade: What are you two talking about?

Miss power: Nothing! We gotta go, our boss need us we gotta go!

Miss power and Titan left marmalade which made him Little concern.

Marmalade: What a bunch of lunatics.

Without him notice, someone grabs him, this made scream and once he saw who they were, he got scared.

TJ:  Alright guinea pig, start talking! How do we stop Negaduck!

Marmalade: do you really think I'm gonna tell you, I would never snitch on my boss, and even if I did tell you there's nothing you can do to make me say a word.

Mr snake: fine! looks like I'm going to have guinea pig for dinner.

Marmalade was scared as he realize if he didn't say anything he was going to be snake's food, so he told them.

Marmalade: All right! all right! the only way you could defeat the villains is that, you can destroy that mirror of wishes, now please don't eat me!

TJ grabs marmalade and put him on top of a tree.

TJ: you better stay there!

Marmalade: all right! all right! I will, you know I wasn't actually plan on doing anything anyways.

TJ and snake left marmalade on a tree and went to Twilight.

Twilight sparkle: what did he say?

TJ: The only way we can defeat the villains is if we destroy the mirror of wishes.

Megamind: how are we going to do that? he has it on his neck... as a necklace!

Snake notice something.

Mr snake: wait...where is Ruby?

Penny: she's got some... finish business to attend to.

Mr snake: Oh...right.

Meanwhile with nerissa.

Nerissa: looks like it's time to destroy the whole ocean.

Ruby: not if I have something to say about it!

Nerissa turn around and saw a giant purple kraken which she recognize.

Nerissa: Ruby Gilman! So we meet again!

Ruby: you are not going to destroy this world or the ocean for that matter, if I get the triton away from you!

Nerissa: you're gonna have to battle me first, if you want this!

Ruby: Bring it on!

Ruby and nerissa charge at each other, meanwhile with Mira who was underwater was trying to get the ocean animals out of the battle, she saw a baby fish.

Mira: are you OK little guy?

The baby fish went to Mira, Mira realize that the baby fish lost its mother, so Mira had to help the baby fish.

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