The search

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The sun was starting to rise and the villains were starting to wake up, Negaduck was waking up and went downstairs to get some coffee, he started to notice that Tai lung and Lord Shen were not around, assuming they went out early to get the heroes, he woke up the villains.

Negaduck: Everyone WAKE UP!

All the villains went downstairs as quickly as they can.

Captain Hook: What is it?

Negaduck: I need three people to find Shen and Tai lung.

Cruella de vil: Oh Yeah, who?

Negaduck Look at Captain Hook, Jafar and Cruella.

Negaduck: Go...NOW!

The three villains ran out to find Lord shen and Tai lung.

Debois: Weren't you harsh?

Negaduck: Sort of.

The three villains were walking to find lord shen and Tai lung to see where they were.

Cruella de vil: I can't believe it! He thinks just because he the boss, doesn't mean he can tell us what to do!

While Cruella was talking Jafar and Hook were standing there.

Jafar: Cruella, Please just calm down?

Captain Hook: Yeah, we should be looking for Tai lung and Lord shen.

Cruella de vil: Fine! But only because I don't Have time to be more angry Right Now!

Captain Hook: Okay good, as long a we don't run to a certain crocodile.

Jafar: Wait wh-Oh, I know what you mean, you're mean-

Captain Hook: Don't even say his name.

Jafar whisper to Cruella.

Jafar: Tic Tock Croc.

Captain Hook: I told you not to his name!

Cruella de vil: Will you calm down hook? We will not run into him okay?

Captain Hook: Okay...

Jafar: Uh...friends I hate to break the moment but I found footprints.

Cruella de vil: Let me see! Oh this perfect!

Captain Hook: Now we know to track them down!

Jafar: Tai lung and lord shen here we-

All of the sudden they hear a clock noise which made Jafar and Cruella concerns But Captain Hook looked terrified because he knew Who it was, A green gator came out of the bushes which made the three villains turn to the bushes.

Captain Hook: NOT HIM!

Hook went behind Jafar and Cruella.

Cruella de vil: Shame on you! You stupid croc!

Tic tock croc growled at Cruella.

Jafar: Hey! No one Mess with my friend You bad croc.

Jafar hit tic tock with his staff which made Tic tock croc even more mad.

Cruella de vil: I think you made him more mad.

Jafar: You think? now what?

Captain Hook: I tell you, WE RUN!

The three started to run which made tic tock croc chased after them, They started to run so fast that tic tock croc was catching up.

Captain Hook: Why can't he just leave me alone for once?

Cruella de vil: He hungry! We can't let him eat Hook! Jafar, Can't you use one of your magic?

Jafar: No! Then he'll be more mad!

Cruella de vil: Great. just great!

As they continue to run,a tree branch fell on tic tock croc, Since the villains were running they didn't see so they trip and fall into a pond, tic tock croc didn't see them and turn around to find them.

Captain Hook: Great, I'm soaked.

Cruella de vil: My make-up is ruined.

Jafar: Hey! What is going on!

Cruella and hook saw Jafar's hat melted which made them laugh.

Jafar: What?

Captain Hook: Your hat!

Jafar looked at his hat.

Jafar: Ah! Quit laughing.

The three villains got out of the water, Hook and Cruella were still laughing.

Jafar: Yeah yeah, laugh all you want.

Cruella de vil: Sorry sorry, we won't laugh anymore.

Captain Hook: Thanks for defending me guys.

Cruella de vil: No problem Hook.

Jafar: Wait, Do you hear something?

Cruella de vil: I think...

Jafar: It's Lord shen and Tai lung.

The three villains hid in the bushes.

Tai lung: I'm so glad that he left him, He was annoying.

Lord shen: Tell me about it.

Tai lung: I am so glad we left that-That-stupid duck.

As Tai lung and lord shen are talking about Negaduck, the three Villains were hearing this.

Captain Hook: Those traitors! We got to tell Negaduck!

Cruella de vil: NO! we can't, you know what will happen if we tell him.

Jafar: She right! We gotta tell the other villains about this except for our boss.

Captain Hook: I love That idea.

The three villains went back to the lair, when they got back Negaduck was sitting on a chair.

Negaduck: Did you find them?

Jafar: No, we haven't but we will continue this tomorrow.

Negaduck: Alright.

The three villains left.

Negaduck: Okay, Titan, Dubois, marmalade! We gotta go find the heroes.

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