The Conversations

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The heroes were walking on a blue path which was leading the mirror that would grant wish, The Heroes decided to talk to each other.

Jimmy and Ezekiel.

Jimmy: Hey dude.

Ezekiel: Hey man, what's up?

Jimmy: Oh nothing!

Ezekiel: Okay, Hey uh, Can I tell you a secret, And I want you not to tell anyone!

Jimmy: Okay sure, what is it?

Ezekiel: I have a crush on that guy.

Jimmy look at the person that Ezekiel was pointing at.

Jimmy: Justin? Wait Wh-

Ezekiel cover Jimmy's mouth.

Ezekiel: I know I know it sounds stupid.

Jimmy: No no it just that I didn't know you had the crush on the guy.

Ezekiel: Yeah...But I bet he'll never like me...

Jimmy: Why? He might like you, if you talk to him.

Ezekiel: Your right! Thanks!

Jimmy: No problem.

Fluttershy, bushroot, and Ren.

Bushroot: So you have crush on the pink pony girl?

Fluttershy: Yeah, She funny and adorable.

Bushroot: I just knew there something about you and pinkie.

Ren: Why can't you just tell her?

Fluttershy: I afraid she might not like me.

Bushroot: I tell you what? Me and my friends will help you get Pinkie and you together.

Fluttershy: You will?

Ren: We will?

Fluttershy: Thank you thank you thank you!

Bushroot: No problem, so Ren how long you and Stimpy had been friends for?

Ren: Did you say friends?

Fluttershy: Yeah...Why?

Ren: I think it's best I'll just explain it off screen.

With Zach, Mr wolf and megamind.

Mr Wolf: So that why you became a bad guy?

Megamind: Duh!

Zach: Wow...I didn't see that coming, I mean- We were bad guys in the past.

Mr wolf: Hey! I was frame by a Guinea pig!

Megamind and Zach looked at each other.

Zach: Come again?

Megamind: Did he just say A Guinea pig?

Zach: What do you think he said?

Megamind: Huh...I don't know?

Mr Wolf: Yeah...Said the one who dating a human!

Megamind give Mr wolf and Zach an angry stare.

Zach: I think we should shut up.

Mr wolf: You think?

With Ruby, Becky, blossom and Penny.

Becky: So you can turn into a kraken?

Ruby: When I go under water yes!

Penny: That so cool!

Ruby: Yep.

Blossom: Why did you hide it through?

Ruby: Well, Krakens are know as monsters and mermaids...Well.

Becky: Know as good?

Ruby: Yep, I was even trick by a mermaid.

Penny: I'm sorry about that, Ruby.

Ruby: It's not your fault.

Blossom: By the way Ruby...You know you're not a monster.

Becky: Yeah, I'm a super hero from another planet.

Blossom: me too, But I was not from another planet.

Penny: I'm just normal.

Ruby: Thanks girls.

With Pinkie pie and Quackerjack.

Pinkie pie: Your funny!

QuackerJack: Yeah, I am...wait why are you friends with me? I'm a bad guy.

Pinkie pie: True...But everyone deserves a second chance.

Quackerjack: Really?

Pinkie pie: Yeah!

Quackerjack: Thanks pinkie!

With Eddy Edd and Cozy glow.

Edd: Can you stop starting at that kid Eddy?

Eddy: I don't trust her!

Edd: Here we go again!

Cozy glow: Can you Stop Looking at me, please?

Eddy: Fine...

Edd: Thank you Eddy.

Cozy glow: Creep!

Eddy: Why you Little-

Edd grabs Eddy's arm.

Edd: Eddy!

With Twilight, Zim, Dr two brains, and Megavolt.

Twilight sparkle: Are you guys gonna miss me, When this is all over?

Zim: No!

Megavolt: I will!

Dr two brains: Yeah and-Wait a minute! what did you just say?

Zim: I said no!

Megavolt: What? Why not? She a princess!

Zim: So? I don't care!

Dr Two brains: Why are you so mean to her?

Twilight look at the map and saw a tall building that match on the map.

Twilight sparkle: Guys look! A tall building! We are almost there!

Everyone cheer.

Rex: Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!

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