That's all in the past

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Sunset was awake, she look at the fire and smiled, she was thinking of about the time that she was a bad guy and tried to rule the other world, how can twilight forgive for something like that, And then a voice was heard.

Megamind: Can't sleep.

Sunset jump a little in frightening way.

Megamind: Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to scared you.

Sunset shimmer: Oh, it's okay.

Megamind: So, what are doing up late?

Sunset shimmer: I was thinking about something.

Megamind turn toward to sunset.

Megamind: What was it?

Sunset shimmer: Well....What if I told you I was a bad guy?

Megamind: Wait what?!

Sunset shimmer: Just hear me out!

Megamind: Okay.

Sunset shimmer: I was the princess student before twilight, I was a great student, but I one day I...I saw this mirror that lead to
The human world...I though I was ready, but every time the princess would say I wasn't ready to know about the mirror, Oh, and I didn't know that the mirror did until...

Megamind: Until what?

Sunset shimmer: I saw the truth the in the library.

Megamind: Oh..What happen next?

Sunset shimmer: Well...The princess saw and she was not happy with me...At night I went to the mirror, and I did some bad things.

Megamind: Like what?

Sunset shimmer: Stealing twilight crown...And turning into a she-demon.

Megamind: Oh my god...

Sunset shimmer: but after my defeat, my friends from the human world taught me the true meaning of friendship, so what's your story?

Megamind: I don't wanna talk about...

Sunset shimmer: Are you sure?

Megamind: Okay fine! I was a villain because of a...Hero.

Sunset shimmer's eyes wide open.

Megamind: Yep, When I was a kid...I was judged by my classmate...

Sunset shimmer: WHAT?

Megamind: They always see me as the bad boy and always see The hero as good...

Sunset face was shocked about What she was hearing.

Megamind: So I became a bad guy and...I enjoyed it, but...Things did not end well.

Sunset shimmer: How so?

Megamind: Well, I finish him off, So I thought, I created a new hero...but he turn into a bad guy.

Sunset shimmer: Why?

Roxanne: Because he was in love with me!

Sunset shimmer: Oh...wait what happen?

Roxanne: Long story short, it turn out that the hero that megamind killed was actually alive and megamind defeat the villain.

Sunset shimmer: Okay...wait are you two-

Megamind and Roxanne: Yes!

Sunset shimmer: Oh, well that was all in the past right?

Megamind: Yeah...All in the past.

Sunset shimmer: Welp, I better get to bed see you guys in the morning.

The three heroes went to sleep not knowing of what was going to happen.

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