Heroes vs villains

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Twilight woke up and saw that everyone just woke up and started eating, she walk toward them.

Twilight sparkle: Good morning.

Pinkie pie: Morning, Here twilight, blueberry!

Twilight sparkle: Thank Pinkie.

Blue bark with joy with something in her mouth.

Johnny bravo: What she barking about?

Blossom: Wait! There something in her mouth.

Twilight used her magic to something out of here mouth.

Twilight sparkle: Got it! look! It's a map.

Pinkie pie: A map?

Fluttershy: How did she get it?

Blue bark.

Bubble: What did she say?

Fluttershy: I think she said that she found it in the bushes.

Twilight opened up the map.

Twilight sparkle: Look what it's said.

Twilight open up the map.

Zach: What does it say?

Twilight sparkle: I think...I think it a some sort of mirror?

All: What?

Gus: A mirror?

Gretchen: Let me see.

Gretchen Look at the map again, meanwhile Negaduck was hiding behind the bushes.

Negaduck: A mirror? Sounds interesting.

Gretchen: It not just a mirror, It a magic mirror and it can grant you any wish!

Negaduck, hearing this was in shock but amazed.

Negaduck: Anything?

Spinelli: Cool!

Negaduck came out and grab the map.

Twilight sparkle: HEY GIVE IT BACK!

Negaduck: Sorry, but it my now.

Edd: Who the heck are you?

Megavolt: NEGADUCK?

Everyone turned to Megavolt.

Rainbow dash: Wait, you know him?

Megavolt: Yeah....But that not important, give that back to the princess.

Negaduck: A princess Hm? Well princess, I'm Negaduck, the number 1 criminal super villain...Well was a number 1 criminal...But now that I have the map, I can wish for anything I want and you know I want to wish for?

Megamind: Being a powerful villain?

Negaduck: Yes!

Megamind: Well, we are not going to let you do that!

Negaduck: Oh yeah? You and what army?

Twilight sparkle: This army!

Negaduck: Oh Helpers!

Reeve: Helpers?

Gourmand: I don't like that sound of that!

The villains came out and had there weapons and powers out, but Negaduck noticed something.

Negaduck: Where Jafar and his crew?

Titan: They said they were in a meeting.

Negaduck: Oh...Okay...

Roxanne: Give the map back, Now!

Miss power: How about...No!

Twilight use her horn and hit miss power.

King Sombra: Oh yeah?

Blossom: Heads up everyone!

King Sombra use his magic to blast the heroes but Megavolt use his electricity to block the magic!

Megavolt: Leave them alone!

Negaduck: What's wrong sparky? Can't handle the king?


Liquidator: Hey Negaduck! There some Water!

Liquidator use his water power to get the Villains all wet.

Titan: Ah! I'm soaked and wet.

Miss power: Me too, Red head.

Titan: Why you little...

Negaduck: HEY! Knock it off!

Megamind grab the map without Negaduck noticing.

Negaduck: HEY! Give that Map.

Megamind: Sorry not sorry.

Mr wolf: Good Job.

Megamind: Thank you.

Megamind throws the map at Twilight which she caught with her magic.

Donita: We might wanna start running.

Rex: Your right.

Rainbow dash: Okay.

Titan grab the map from Twilight.

Titan: Good bye little-OW!

Rainbow Kicked Titan and grab the Map but not before Mojo Jojo Grab the map, Martha bits mojo on the leg and let Ronald grab the map and then starts to run.

Ronald: Run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm Ronald the cat!

Ren: What an idiot!

Nature cat: Yeah, Tell me about it.

Adam: Let get out of here!

The heroes start to run before twilight use her to push all the villains away from them.

Zach: Twilight!

Twilight sparkle: Coming!

With the villains.

Him: Ow...

Titan: Oh great! Just great!

Negaduck: Come on guys let's go!

Miss power: But what about the map?

Negaduck: Forget it!

The villains leave with them going back to the base, with the heroes.

Martin: That was close.

Ronald: Yeah, oh here the map.

Twilight sparkle: Thanks.

Eddy: So now what?

Tj: Remember guys, it's a wish mirror, it can grant any wish right? So we wish go back to our homes, we will can go home!

Twilight sparkle: I like the sound of that! Let go!

The heroes decided to go to a mirror of wishes.

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