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The team set off to find a place to camp, it was so hard to find a camping spot, after walking for a long time, they found a camping spot to camp.

Twilight sparkle: This is it, the right place to camp.

Megavolt: Hm...Doesn't look like the right spot.

Twilight sparkle: It will when we set it up.

Megavolt: Okay, I guess I'll help.

Dr two brains: I'll help too.

Twilight sparkle: Alright!

Rainbow dash: I'll get the sticks.

Roxanne: Me and Megamind are coming with you.

Rainbow groan.

Rainbow dash: Fine!

Applejack: I'll get some food.

Rarity: I'm coming with you.

Applejack look confused

Rarity: What?

Applejack: But, you'll get dirty.

Rarity: I won't mind for now.

Applejack: Alright.

Adam: Let me come with you.

Applejack: Thanks.

Pinkie pie: I'll stay with twilight.

Fluttershy: Me too.

Sunset shimmer: Me and starlight will tried and find some supplies.

Twilight sparkle: Okay.

Paisley: Why?

Twilight sparkle: Hm?

Rex: She doesn't like nature.

Heather: I'm sorry, what?

Rex: I Said-

Heather: Don't yell at me, weirdo!

Paisley: Don't call him that!

With Rainbow, Roxanne, and Megamind, Rainbow was give Megamind a angry glare.

Roxanne: Why are you mad at him?

Rainbow dash: I don't trust him, that's why!

Roxanne: Are you kidding me right now? Just because he was a bad guy, does not mean you have to give him a dirty look.

Rainbow dash: What do you know? He not your boyfriend!

Roxanne give rainbow a dirty look before Rainbow realize.

Rainbow dash: WHAT? You and him? Are you insane?

Roxanne: No! I'm not!

Megamind: Uh, Roxanne.

Roxanne: Yes?

Megamind: I found the sticks.

Rainbow snatch the sticks from him.

Rainbow dash: Come on!

Roxanne: Rude! Sorry about that.

Megamind: It's okay, and thanks for standing up for me.

Roxanne: No problem.

With Applejack, Rarity and Adam.

Rarity: Okay, I'll get the food down, you and Adam stay.

Applejack: Rarity, are you sure?

Rarity: Yep!

Adam started to giggle a little

Applejack: What's so funny?

Adam: I hate to say this, but you and her act like a old married couple.

Applejack face turned red and she turned to Adam.

Applejack: We are not a couple...not yet.

Adam: You like her, don't you?

Applejack: Yeah, but I'm afraid she going to reject me.

Adam: Oh...

Applejack: So, how's your life.

Adam: great.

Rarity: Done!

Adam and Applejack saw Rarity a little bit muddy.

Adam: uh-

Applejack: Don't!

With the rest of the team.

Megavolt: So your a princess?

Twilight sparkle: yep!

Dr two brains: I never heard of a princess before.

Twilight sparkle: You both are lucky then.

Megavolt: So, do you a crush on anyone.

Twilight sparkle: No, do you?

Dr two brains: No, what about you Megavolt?

Megavolt turn to Quackerjack who was talking to pinkie pie, this made twilight and dr two brains realize.

Twilight sparkle: Awww!

Dr two brains: I did not see that coming!

Megavolt: Oh zip it.

Applejack: We got the food!

Rainbow dash: We got the sticks.

Twilight sparkle: Great!

Rainbow threw the sticks on the ground.

Megamind: What about the fire?

Kai: I got this.

Kai used his fire power and put the fire on the sticks.

Sunset shimmer: Nice!

Kai: Thanks.

Eddy: I have a question, where are we going to sleep?

Donita: I don't know.

Gwen: Some of us will sleep on a tree, and some of us will sleep on the ground.

Donita: I'm going to sleep on the tree.

Twilight sparkle: Okay, everyone let's have a good night sleep and we will continue tomorrow.

Everyone started to fall asleep while some were still awake.

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