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I vigorously rubbed my face in my palms before yawning and glancing at the clock. Why did the history lesson seemed to be taking more time to finsh than it should. Failing to supress another big yawn considering that i was sitting on the first bench, the teacher looked at me with her one eyebrow raised before smiling to me.

"Is the chapter that boring Ms. Lee? Are you sleepy?" The teacher asked sarcistically before casting me a stern look.

"No Mrs. Choi." I answered.

"May i know why your letting out numerous yawns and glancing again and again at the clock?" The teacher said before flashing me a forced smile. Wtf, how did she notice.

"Uhhhh.... sorry Mrs. Choi. It wont happen again" i took a deep breath before bowing to her and sitting back at my place as the woman continued but the bell suddenly rang making me smile ear to ear holding in my excitement but that didnt go unnoticed by Mrs. Choi.

"Class dismissed" She said looking at me up and down and gathering her stuff before leaving. I didnt care that i just had to face an embarrassing moment but atleast the class is finished. I opened my phone to check the which was the next class now that it was finally lunch break.

"How did she not see him sleeping.....? But saw you yawning?" Miso stood beside me eyeing the boy beside me passed out on the table.

"Maybe because it has happened alot by now she just doesnt give a fuck?" I answered unbothered.

"Lets grab something to eat, im starving" hyunjin said as he, seoyun and taehyung came and stood infront of us.

"Ok lets go but.... what about him?" I pointed at seojun.

"Uhhhh leave him here? Cuz no shit no one waking him up cuz he be throwing the biggest fit about it later" Taehyung said side eyeing seojun. Suddenly the whole bench shook making me starltled.

"YAHH HAN SEOJUN" Seoyun's voice rang through the classroom as some students who were still there turned to look at what it was but turned back around going back to what they were doing fully unbothered as if it was the everyday shit.

"aaAH WAE HAN SEOYUN" Seojun shouted getting up to face his sister who looked unbothered.

"Lets go, he is up" seoyun said walking out of the classroom as we nodded before following. We could hear seojun whine behind us but seoyun just ignored him went to our usual table.

"Dont mind such things okay? This is regular for us now" Miso shrugged making me nod cluelessly.

I was shocked yet not surprised because the past months i spent with them were enough to know that they all have been together for years and things they do are normal amongst themselves. I looked at them chatting and laughing as i realized that i had been so lucky to be with them because what they were just true friends and their relation among each other was pure.

Laughs and chatter filled the atmosphere of the classroom as the last class ended and the teacher walked out. Some students walked out as some just sat with their friends to talk, some entered the class probably to meet their girlfriend/boyfriend or friend. I packed my stuff as i got up and swung my bagpack around my shoulder.

"What are you upto today?" Seojun asked while getting up and grabbing his bag.

"I dont know, die?" I deadpanned.

"Just yet? Who will i bother and annoy then?" Seojun teased.

"You have a sister" i said.

"But it isnt that fun to annoy her than it is to you" He chuckled before winking at me as i gagged.

"You sound beautiful with you mouth closed. Please" I said nonchalantly. I was too tired after school today to entertain him. I just wanted to go to my bed and sleep for the rest of the week if possible.

"Hey Yn, Seojun!" Kiara, one of my classmate came up to me as she greeted us. I havent interacted with her much except just exchanging smiles and greetings every day.

"Hey Kiara, how can i help?" I asked her while seojun just stared at her emotionlessly, as usual.

"My birthday is tomorrow and im throwing a party, everyone is invited. I came to tell you guys that. It would be a great pleasure if you could make it to my party" Kiara said excitely to which i just smiled and nodded.

"Sure, why not, i will be there for sure. See you tomorrow then" I said before i bowed and Kiara bowed back before just glancing at seojun and going to the crowd of other students. I suppose she knew seojun wouldnt say anything so she just left without asking for his reply.

"Are you going?" I asked seojun before turning to him.

"Maybe, i dont know. I was planning to play games with the boys considering that it was a weekend?" Seojun said before stretching his arms and making his way to taehyung and hyunjin who were talking to miso and seoyun.

"Hey guys, are yall going to the party?" I asked.

"No doubt we are. Its gonna be so much fun. Kiara throws the best parties as i have been to some before." Miso said.

"I know right. It was a blast time. How about we go to my place and have a sleepover and then get ready together for the party tomorrow?" Seoyun suggested.

"Okay but can i just get by my home real quick? I need to drop my stuff that i dont need and also get my clothes and other things." I asked while seoyun nodded.

"I will also drop my stuff at home and arrive in a few minutes." Miso said as she hung her bag over her shoulder.

"Ok sure then i will see you at home" Seoyun smiled at us before grabbing her bag and phone.

We three walked out of the school and parted ways by the gate. Miso suggested that since she lived nearby she'd give me a ride. I got to my apartment and threw my bag onto my bed before grabbing my clothes for the night and other things like makeup, charger and toothbrush. Miso told me that we can just get a dress from seoyun's closet for tomorrow's party so i shouldnt worry about it. I got out of my house to see that miso had arrived and she was waiting for me.

"Hey im back, did i make you wait too long?" I asked getting in the car.

"No not at all, lets go" Miso said driving off as i nodded.

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