002. | it's really good to see you

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anchor - novo amor ❛taught the hand that taught the bride both our eyes lock to the tidewe went in circles somewhere elseand i hear your ship comin' inyour tears a sea for me to swim and i hear a storm is comin' inmy dear, is it all we've ever been?❜

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anchor - novo amor
taught the hand that taught the bride
both our eyes lock to the tide
we went in circles somewhere else
and i hear your ship comin' in
your tears a sea for me to swim
and i hear a storm is comin' in
my dear, is it all we've ever been?

anchor - novo amor ❛taught the hand that taught the bride both our eyes lock to the tidewe went in circles somewhere elseand i hear your ship comin' inyour tears a sea for me to swim and i hear a storm is comin' inmy dear, is it all we've ever been?❜

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THE thought of being home always caused jane to grow a pit of nerves. she could only hope that with it being hockey season, none of the hughes' family would be in town. she only came from chicago because it was her moms birthday. jane only wanted to stay the night even, not promising that.

she could excuse it being her busy work schedule but everyone knew it wasn't just that.

she avioded eye contact with the house next to hers, practically running up the stairs. the warmth of her childhood home greeted her like a blanket, cause the girl to smile as her parents greeted her.

her little sister jumped down the stairs. she wasn't so little anymore, her long brown hair was cut short. she was seventeen now, almost an adult. that always caused jane to spiral.

she remembered when she and jack would pick up the girl from middle school years ago.

now she was a senior in high school.

"oh my god your hair!" jane grabbed her sister, spinning her around. the hair was above her shoulders, slightly curled. "what do you think?" her sister emma let out a laugh, swatting her sister away. it was like jane never left, the family grabbing her in hugs. her mom had dinner cooking, the fireplace was on.

somehow michigan felt colder than chicago.

jane helped set the table, going into the kitchen. her mom rolled her eyes whenever the daughter asked to help. "mom i know this may sound hard to believe but im better at cooking now i promise." jane laughed, leaning against the counter and picking at the small bowl of candy. halloween was coming up, deeming all the candy that jane still to this day called dibs on.

she remembers when luke would sneak over and steal some.

"yeah yeah tell that to the house you almost burnt down." her mom shook her head, shuddering as jane rolled her eyes. "i was fifteen!" she defended and her sister had joined her. she wrapped her arm around her, noticing just how tall she had gotten. "yeah well you and jack baking cookies almost killed our dog." emma said and instantly jane's smile vanished.

the reminder of the memories was already too much. she felt guilty then, leaning up straight as the room fell silent. everyone knew something happened between them, something so painful they couldn't even imagine. no one wanted to ask but they no longer could talk about jack without jane freezing up.

she knew that emma loved jack, the whole family. the guilt came from the fact that she shut them out, causing everyone to distance themselves. jane refused to see jack, to see any of them after that night.

emma had begged her, pleaded with her to tell her what happened. it never worked, only causing jane to slam the door in her face.

jane wasn't proud of it, even now she still apologizes for the way she acted.

"uh i do need milk actually, and a few things maybe some wine for tonight?" her mom cooed, seeing jane stare at the counter top. she was deep in thought but she still nodded, bringing a small smile to her face. "uh yeah.. yeah sure i'll be right back." she was back out into the michigan cold in an instant.


the store clerk was putting up some halloween decorations when she walked in. the store was practically empty, light music playing from the speaker. she gave the clerk a small smile, rounding her way to the back. she knew where everything was despite not being here in what felt like ages.

her feet carried her to the wine first.

she skimmed all the bottles before finding her favorite. she got a new one for her and her mom to try.

two bottles in hand she spun around, heading for the fridge.

she was rushing, afraid she'd see someone she knew. for some reason being here, in this town caused her a great deal of anxiety. she knew why, and it frustrated her. it's been years, she was twenty-two now and the flashbacks from when she was eighteen kept replaying in her head.

she grabbed milk, and eggs her hands now full. she huffed, adjusting her hands. she wanted one more thing. selfishly she went to the ice cream. she smiled whenever she saw the moose tracks sitting front and center. regardless of what happened years ago, this was still her favorite ice cream.

"jane?" the voice called and she froze— about to try and open the door to get the ice cream, the voice halting her actions.

she slowly turned her head, ellen hughes standing there with a soft smile and cart full of groceries.

"oh uh.. hello ellen." the girl gave a soft smile. she knew her cheeks were red, her eyes probably wide. ellen just rounded her cart, opening the door and grabbing the ice cream for her. "still your favorite i see." she let out a small laugh, setting the ice cream on top of the small pile the girl held in her arms.

"uh yeah.." she suddenly felt sick, gripping the wine tighter.

"when did you get home?" she asked and jane bit her lip. was it bad she wanted to tell ellen she was in a rush? that she had to go home quickly.

"just a few hours ago, just in for moms birthday." ellen nodded, still with that small smile on her face. "oh she didn't say you were coming home.." she mumbled slightly, "it's... it's really great to see you jane." jane was the daughter ellen never had. she use to dress her up in her old outfits, laughing at how big the clothes were on the girl. she once caught jane in her makeup bag, putting on bright red lipstick she hasn't touched in years.

she missed her dearly.

"you too el." the nickname just came out, causing both of their hearts to squeeze. "you look beautiful." ellen wanted to run her fingers through the girls brown hair again. but nothing was the same, things have changed and time has moved on.

jane didn't know what to say, to do.

"listen if you're not busy tomorrow.. come over for breakfast? the boys will be there but-" that was all it took for jane to straighten, to back up slightly. ellen could see it, see the nerves pouring out of her. "i'm sorry i leave tomorrow morning.. but um.. it was really good to see you. i have to go moms waiting." she backed open, stumbling slightly. ellen opened her mouth to say something but shut it when jane spun around.

rea's authors note:
she's here wow! more chapters to come. cuddle up and enjoy <3

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