.022 | we aren't jack and jane anymore

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i know you - faye webster ❛you're holding me and holding back i don't really care for thatjust you

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i know you - faye webster
you're holding me and holding back
i don't really care for that
just you.


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JANE was embraced by ellen as soon as she walked in the door. then it was jim, then luke. the house seemed alive regardless if it was just them in it. everyone was talking, laughing, catching up. it smelled of jane's favorite cookies she now hasn't had in years but could spot that smell anywhere. jack watched as ellen and jane shared a glass of wine at the kitchen table. he was leaning on the counter, just watching and observing.

"hey now." janes dad warned, patting jacks shoulder. his cheeks turned warmed, leaning up as he nudged jane's dad. he patted jacks back, "how's that shoulder?" james asked. "good i will be back at the next game." jack winked and james grinned at the boy. that sparked a whole conversation about him and luke living together in jersey.

this was easier then jane thought, sitting here with them all but especially ellen. while her mom was in the kitchen ellen and jane caught up. they talked about chicago, about her job and her apartment. what jane does on the daily, what jane loves to do now outside of work. ellen was still always up to something, jane always remembered her being busy. she wasn't the type to sit still for very long.

"you're even more beautiful." ellen smiled at her, seeing jane since the last time hit her hard. this was her daughter, she will always be her only girl. she loves her like a daughter and jane loves her like a mother.

"i missed you." jane smiled at her and ellen wanted to hug her once more. "i kept up with you all these years you know." ellen smiled and jane nodded. "i figured you would." she laughed and ellen shrugged. "and i want you to know jane... after everything one thing never changed. we love you, i don't want you to think that ever went away."

"really? i thought you would hate me or i don't know..." jane was honest. she always thought she disappointed everyone after she disappeared. "like maybe you thought i hated you, which by the way i never ever will. i didn't leave but i had to you know? but now thinking about it i feel like i could have handled it differently." she shrugged, messing with her glass of wine. ellen shook her head, "oh my jane no." she then pulled her in, rubbing her back.

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