.019 | home wasn't the same

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heavenly - cigarettes after sex ❝because this is where i want to bewhere its so sweet and heavenly

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heavenly - cigarettes after sex
because this is where i want to be
where its so sweet and heavenly.


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WHENEVER jane was home for any holiday she felt spoiled. her parents offered to cook for her, she wasn't obligated to clean, it was nice she would admit. she was laid up on the couch, the canucks game on the tv. with quinn getting the C this year, jane couldn't wait to tell quinn how proud and happy she was for him. it's been so long since she's seen him. apparently he has a girlfriend now, she wonders if she would meet her too.

"so when's jack coming over?" emma mentioned, causing everyone to pay attention to jane. she blinked, looking around at the wondering eyes from her parents. "uh yeah... i'm not sure." emma nudged her sister.

"what do you mean?" she asked and her parents were still looking at her, clearly eager for any information. "i didn't tell him i was home... yet." a gasp left emma's lips, her moms eyes widened. "why not!" emma now hit her shoulder, jane flitching away from her little sister. "okay how about you tell mom you're dating connor bedard?" jane needed the attention off of her but the truth was, she didn't really know why she didn't tell jack she was home.

"what! emma avery koda!" her mom gasped and that's when jane jumped off the couch. "gonna go shower." she sprinted out of the room while emma was trying to grab at her. "i'm not dating connor!" was the last thing jane heard before she locked herself in the bathroom. he snickered to herself, emma would definitely get her back for that eventually.

luckily emma didn't kill her when she came back downstairs after her shower. they ate dinner, caught up, talked about thanksgiving plans and jane agreed to do a dinner at the hughes house. jane's mom informed her it would be something small, just them which somehow made jane even more anxious. that was more intimate to her, but she wanted to do it and be there.

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