.031 | you're going to be there

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never say never - the fray ❛you can never say never while we don't know when but time and time again younger now than we were beforedon't let me go

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never say never - the fray
you can never say never
while we don't know when
but time and time again
younger now than we were before
don't let me go.


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( PAST. )

JANE had her arms wrapped around quinn as they walked through the christmas lights. she was on his back, her chin on his shoulder as she looked towards the lights shining down on them. quinn spun her around, the girl giggling as he walked. it was christmas eve, a lot of the families had joined them, talks of tomorrow and laughter filling the air. jane hid her shivers as they walked further into the lights.

"should we get hot chocolate?" quinn asked and jane smiled with a eager nod as quinn picked up his pace. "hey turn around." ellen called and quinn did as he was told, ellen smiling as she snapped a few pictures. she grinned at her phone and jane knew that'd be posted on facebook soon.

"get me one!" jack called, he was in a group with the guys, all of them talking about something jane knew she had no interest in. a lot of it was girls, with jack being the youngest one they liked to teased him a lot. they'd dare him to talk to the ones that passed by and he'd just shove their shoulders and laugh.

"just two please." quinn said and jane snorted a laugh, "three." she called over his shoulder and he rolled his eyes. he grabbed the hot chocolate, handing the steaming cup to jane as she jumped down. "begging you one more time to let me interview you for this." she waved the phone she had in her other hand around and he groaned. he didn't like doing any sort of media stuff, especially videos.

jane had to interview all the guys and ask them what their favorite christmas tradition was. she then was going to edit the video later tonight and was so excited to do so. "do i have to?" he blinked at her and she frowned. "for me please? please please quinny please!" she shook his sleeve and he laughed, shaking his head.

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