.015 | he doesn't deserve you

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she needs him - her's❝my heart takes up all my strength no more can i think of them no more can i hold her in my thoughts don't say that she needs himthat he needs her

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she needs him - her's
my heart takes up all my strength
no more can i think of them
no more can i hold her in my thoughts
don't say that she needs him
that he needs her.

THE girl eyed the rope course, her hands growing clammy as she watched jack go up

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THE girl eyed the rope course, her hands growing clammy as she watched jack go up. "jane it's fine!" he called down to her, the sun shining in her eyes as she stared at him. she sighed, rubbing her hands on her pants. "shit..." she mumbled, ignoring the frustration behind her. she looked at the steps then she was climbing the latter, jack far ahead of her already. she wasn't the biggest fan of heights, knowing she had a harness on made her only feel slightly better.

she made it to the first platform, her arms already starting to ache. one foot in front of the other, hands pushing. suddenly she felt her foot slip, a gasp leaving her lips. "woah." the hands was what she felt first, tightly on her hips and holding her into place. she let out another shaky breath, "you okay?" then the hands were pushing her up.

she climbed to her feet, finally looking down which was a mistake. her eyes met with matt boldly before she moved closer to the tree. "uh.. y-yeah i'm good." then he was there with a small smile. she knew him, he played hockey with jack.

it was weird, she didn't speak to him much despite all the work she does for the team. he was quiet, reserved.

"thanks." she said, one arm on the tree like it was her saving grace. "you sure? i can help you down." he offered, still with the small smile on his face. it brought her slight comfort, then her cheeks were heating up from embarrassment.

"no no i can do it." she swallowed, ignoring the stares from the people down below, still waiting on her.

"okay..." he watched her, seeing her blink at the rest of the course. "i'll follow you." he said and jane gently pushed off the tree. "thank you matt." she mumbled, so embarrassed now she couldn't look at him. instead she focused ahead as she walked across the beam to the next tree.

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