.037 | no regrets

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work song - hozier ❛when my time comes around lay me gently in the cold dark earth no grave can hold my body downi'll crawl home to her

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work song - hozier
when my time comes around
lay me gently in the cold dark earth
no grave can hold my body down
i'll crawl home to her.


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( PAST. )

JANE walked into the practice arena, her camera was not working and she had to miss some of practice to fix it. she walked to the glass, taking a couple random pictures of guys before messing with it again. it was back to the regular schedule and everyone was amping up for u18. jane was excited for jack, she would get to watch instead of work this time and she found excitement in that.

"hey jane..." she looked up to see trevor waving warily behind the glass. her eyes immediately went to jack, who was messing with the puck. he looked at her, connecting eyes before looking back down. that told her all she needed to know, trevor had talked to jack prior to him coming up to her.

"can we talk after practice?" he was nervous and she could tell. "sure." she nodded and he smiled. he gave another weird wave before skating back out and joining the others.

she took a few pictures before going to her laptop in the stands. she started editing and once practice was over she was still there, focused on her laptop. her hands started to cramp by the time trevor joined her.

he even brought her some water, sitting close. she turned to him, pausing the practice video she was editing that someone sent her. she moved her laptop, taking the water. "thanks." she eyed him and he gave her a smile.

"you're welcome." it was awkward but jane knew trevor wouldn't let that last long.

"so i wanted to apologize and before you say anything-" he held his finger up and she shut her mouth. "i apologized to jack first, because you were right. i was a bad friend, i shouldn't have let him get that drunk. i should have realized he had enough."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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