You Don't Mess With Ray's Children

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I sent miss Reynolds and her murderers a message. One they will take very seriously. I found out that the judge has let miss Reynolds out on bail before after she did something similar to this to another young woman who was in her way of getting another man. I pointed it out to Carrick, Christian and Anastasia and they were not the only ones who filed a complaint against the man. Judge Brewer was paid off, but no one can prove it. He is very smart at covering his tracks. I call my friends and ask them to start digging and start scaring Miss Reynolds senseless and putting the fear of God into her men. I am then going to find out more about the judge. She put more than my daughter in danger she put all the people around them in danger because she ordered her men to shoot out the tires or the gas tank of her car. The bail should have been higher than it was. It turns out that Judge Brewer is her uncle by marriage. He should have recused himself, but he asked for the cases every time she was arrested. Carrick took that evidence and reported him to the bar and the judicial disciplinary committee and they brought Miss Reynolds in along time with the men and revoked their bail. They went back a reviewed all cases regarding Miss Reynolds and they added charges to her and her men's list along with bribing a judge. I don't know what she thought or if she thought at all. No means no even when men say it. Before all of that miss Reynolds got a warning about ordering hits on anyone. Anastasia wasn't the first hit she ordered. It won't be the last one according to her history, she has no conscience about having a person killed. They have reopened an old murder case that an innocent girl was found guilty of. Leila Williams has spent six years in prison because miss Reynolds framed her and the judge was her uncle. Carrick helped get it reversed. She was released after all the real evidence was found. It took four months before they released her. We helped her get a case against the judge, miss Reynolds and the state for wrongful convictions. I was glad to see her walk away with millions of dollars. She was very glad that someone believed in her innocence.

I hate seeing innocent people getting framed by someone like miss Reynolds and we are going after her in court and civilly.she owes miss Williams big time. I couldn't believe all the things she got away with and her uncle helped her. They went back and looked at every case involving miss Reynolds her men and her uncle and she might never leave prison. I am glad everything is done and miss Williams has a good civil attorney to get her her just dues. He is part of our law firm and we will be getting a nice amount of whatever she gets.

Mia told me about her and Annabelle running into Elena Lincoln of Esclava salons and she had asked for Mia to get a meeting with Christian and she to,d her she wouldn't do that. Mia refuses to get meetings for anyone regarding anything with her brothers and tells people that right up front. Her bodyguards made mrs Lincoln stay away from Mia. She wanted him to invest in this stupid salons. He would never invest in them. Elliott put a stop to Annabelle walking in on him, he scared her by saying well since I am naked and you are nearly naked how about we have sex. She ran out of the door and never did it again. I asked him what he would have done if she took him up on his offer? He laughed and said that she was all bark and no bite, he knows the difference between someone that is ready for sex and those who aren't. The fact she stayed sitting on the bed with him naked in front of her told him all he needed to know. If she had got up taken off the bikini that would have been another story. That would have meant filing a restraining order. He was serious. Mia had some strong words for Annabelle as well. She got lectures from everyone that loves her. Christian even told her to stop teasing Elliott or she would lose him and the rest of the Grey family as loved ones. I think we all made sure she knew what she would lose if she didn't stop it. We watch her closely when she is here anymore. It is a good thing we can tell Anastasia from Annabelle.

Elsa tried to get me to visit her in jail, I refused because she was setting me up. She tried to put another hit on me thinking the charges would go away, criminals are truly dumb. She's a CEO of her own company, it turns out she inherited it. It was losing money due to legal fees and numerous civil suits against her for her violent conduct. She thought marrying Christian would be a good move and really thought she could walk him right to the marriage license and he would sign it and she would own half of GEH. It was her MO. She started getting beat up for her arrogant attitude towards the other prisoners. She kept telling the other prisoners that once I was out of the way that Christian would get her out of prison. The more she talked the more charges were being added and she won't be getting out of jail period. Annabelle and Mia told me about Elena Lincoln and even got a photo of her for me to look at. I thought that she was a guy in drag at first. I then realized that I saw her before when Christian pointed her out at a lunch meeting and told me to steer clear of her. I listened to him and did just that. She tried to chat with me in the ladies room, but I stopped that nonsense.

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