A New Home

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Ray Steele got me moved in no time. All the baby's things were taken to Elliott and my things were moved along with me to a new place in Washington state and people were waiting to get me set up for a new life. I decided a name change would be for the best after it was offered to me. Nicky Watson is a name of a teacher that had died in a car crash and I always wanted to be like her. So I have her name and they have given me a background. Apparently I am very safe here as long as I don't get myself in trouble like I did with David James. I guess he got the divorce papers and he signed them, he was told not to try to find me. He was told that Kate and Elliott are now little David's parents and a restraining order has been served to him requiring no contact with any Grey, Steele or Kavanagh family. He can't go near the baby either.

Thomas Sawyer
I helped get the lady to her new location and we got her settled in. I know the story and she did right by the baby in the end, but the fact she had him to get money is something awful. But worse things have happened. The things people will do has me reeling. We got her into a small place and a job she can get advancements at. She can get training and schooling if needed. We get her settled and I am headed back to my job with GEH thanks to Ray Steele and his recommendations to hire me as second to head of security. Jason Taylor hired me after I spoke to Mr Grey about my experience and my PTSD diagnosis. They decided as long as I go to see someone and was given a good bill of health mentally and physically after proving my abilities to help Nicky become Nicky they wanted me to work for them and with them. I head back to Seattle knowing that Nicky is safely inserted into her new life.

Three days later my home is finally all set and things are placed exactly where I want them. I am ready to start working under Jason and one of my assignments is watching Mia Grey. I will be with her and her driver and apparently it is a very difficult job and that is why they hired me. She likes to ditch her bodyguards. I am not easily ditch-able. Our first day was really fun she likes to go into ladies rooms with escapes she can get through. I studied all her usual places and all places ahead of time and made sure a covert was waiting for her when she came out the windows or doors. Jason told me to use all my resources to keep Mia safe. I also had three females hired to hang out in the ladies room, it has been working very well so far. She found a way to ditch us at a friends party. She had someone change clothing with her. We caught up to her thirty minutes later at another friends party that she was supposed to avoid at all costs. They were holding her hostage for ransom. We had a tracking device placed into several of her favorite pieces of jewelry. We never let her know about the tracking devices in her jewelry so she wouldn't give it away.

I have new security after being held hostage by someone I thought could be trusted. It turn3d out he was luring me out so he could collect a big sum of money for my return. He and the friend who helped me were planning it for a month. They got their chance and took it.  They held me for all of three hours and found themselves face down and handcuffed. It was definitely a party alright one that they wished they hadn't planned. I was glad to see Thomas Sawyer rescuing me. The house used to be owned by Elena Lincoln and they still had the dungeons in the basement. I had three females watching me like a hawk now. Thomas is in charge of them and second in command now. He tells me not to escape the new bodyguards or he will triple them. I was chained to a bed by my so called friends. They won't be doing it again. They are serving time for holding me hostage and imprisoning me.

I was pretty mad at Mia for escaping her security and for even seeing that guy again, let alone her friend who introduced them. Every time I saw the two they seemed up to something. I checked our security cameras and noticed a few things that caused more concerns. They were careful not to be seen or heard doing anything out of the ordinary. Now I know they were planning on kidnapping her. They are behind bars now. The others at the party had no idea they were a cover for a kidnapping. They found Mia pretty quickly and the cops arrested my kidnappers and questioned all the party attendees, when they became sober. Most had no clue what was going on drunk or sober they just enjoyed the party. I have to say it was a first I ever heard of actually throwing a party to hide the fact you kidnapped someone. They were arrested and charged and found guilty of kidnapping and imprisonment. They are serving the maximum sentence. I am glad and Mia was given a long talking to by all of us. She trust people too easily and shouldn't. She was scared out of her mind. Only three hours though. She has to take self defense and we suggested her learn gun safety like Ray suggested we all take a course just to be prepared if we were in a situation of shoot a gun or die after the gun is taken from us and we were shot ourselves.

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