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Our security has been tightened up since Roger and Rawley had their wedding crashed. Charles her ex husband was the problem. Kim was behind it all. They had kept in touch during her jail time. She thought that Charles should get half of everything. Things were getting out of control. We had Charles arrested and he barely served any time at all. Kim was acting innocent in the matter. The four children were older and didn't appreciate their dad doing what he did. Rawley never badmouthed Charles to them. They just made up their own mind about him.

Things are very off lately and I noticed that Carrick and Grace have more security than the rest of us do. Christian is keeping quiet about what is going on. He has told us all to be on high alert especially at his parents home or their workplace. Both have had to be put in protective custody. None of us know what is going on. Dad said to keep my gun loaded and carry it with me at all times until things settle. He has us all training in new self defense tactics along with the children. It's pretty serious if he wants all the grandchildren to train.

It is hard to believe that both Grace and I were threatened by the same criminal and we both had them in our offices. She treated a family member and the victims of the criminal. I defended him at one time. I refused to take him on as a client again. We had to get more security and had undercover cops guarding us as well. I don't know if we can trust all of them.

Guards everywhere I go, I guess you get that when you deal with bad people and their family. I had no idea the people that were brought in were from criminals who would kill you for just anything. But I guess one dying under my watch was enough to get me guarded by undercover cops and extra private security. Carrick had been assigned to defend one of these family members by an irate judge. He lost the case and the guy is behind bars for life.

I got a strange call and I realized it was from Grace Grey and I tried to find out where she was. I found her last known location but that was it. I immediately contacted her security team and then the undercover cops. No answer at all. Jason and Ray are my next calls. I then tried to locate Carrick and his security along with the undercover cops. I couldn't locate them at all. I called in a missing persons report for all of them. Jason already knows about it. I can't call Mia yet, because she's on the GEH. Christian and Anastasia are on the other jet. Elliott is the only one in Seattle. Kate is on a book tour so where in Wisconsin and she's snowed in at this point.

Al Simons
You have them both right?

C C Brown
We have them along with their security teams and the undercover cops as well. Ten people are here in this building. At least it was prepared for our guests. I am looking around and think that I hope they have a plan. I was just supposed to grab these people. Suddenly I see a car approaching and whoever it is has a group of people following them through the gates. My mask is getting too hot, but it works well. No one knows it's not my real face. My fingerprints are also hidden under glove skin for my hands. My group are also wearing disguises, nothing compared to mine though. They couldn't even get free of us. We planned it just right. It was done simultaneously and used them to lure the other to a favorite location of theirs. We got them in a traffic jam. We created the traffic jams and grabbed the under covers, then the security and finally their drivers and bodyguards. We aimed armor piercing guns at the windows and unarmed all of them. We had surrounded them. It was definitely rehearsed very well. No one could get near us and the whole thing was my best orchestration of a mass kidnapping.

Al Simons
I don't speak, because I don't want anyone to hear my voice. C C takes his cash and leaves me with his team to be paid by me as well. I will need them for what we are going to do. J J Smith wants blood and now. Norman his brother is behind bars and his brother was operated on by the attorney Carrick Grey's wife and he died on the table. Oscar Smith was shot in the heart after attacking Carrick Grey outside the courthouse on behalf of J J. My cousins moved too fast on this and here we are in this position.

Norman Smith
I am just walking in and I am going to get my revenge against Carrick and Grace Grey for what they did to my brothers. Suddenly we hear noises from outside and see the gates are being stormed by military forces and they are armed to the tee. Helicopters are whizzing over head. They are telling us we are surrounded and we need to release our hostages. I can't believe that C C Brown got away and here we are and no place to go. No escape routes at all. Had I known that this was the place they were bringing the Grey's and all the others I would have called it off. Soon we are aware of our vulnerability and we can't escape from this place. They have already taken over the front of the building and they have gotten our hostages out of where we had them caged. They had our guards disarmed and placed them in the cages. No shots fired yet, but the guards were bloody.

We are finally freed from the cages and taken to a safe area. Everything goes so fast that I am just do as I am asked to.

I see Grace being taken to safety and watch as one of the guards are knocked out and tied up and put in the cage that I am being brought out of. No guns were fired at all. We had no idea what was going on, but kept watching our kidnappers going down one by one and placed in the cages we were currently in. It was the Smith brothers and Al Simon was helping them do this to us.

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