Lyle And Leila

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Leila Williams
Lyle Steel and I have been dating off and on until recently and he wanted more. He wanted to marry me and have children. He knows that I dated David James and found out he was scum and ended things with him. It wasn't a hard choice since he was trying to frame me for his actions. I was able to get clear of him before he could set me up. All I need is to stay away from David's friends. So far they have left me alone. Now that I am going to meet Lyle's family I am going to have security following me. We plan on getting married and I will be a possible target since his sister and her children and Christian Grey's wife and children. They get death threats and kidnap threats everyday. They kept a recent attempt out of the papers. He didn't go into details but said it could have gone terribly wrong.

I finally made the decision to marry Leila and I introduced her to my family. The engagement ring took time to design and so did the bands but I got it done. Dad makes furniture in his spare time and I learned how to make fine jewelry. I went to train at one of the few schools that train in how to work in jewelry design and fine gemstones. It wasn't cheap, but I graduated and I have started my own company. Leila came in one day to get a replacement for her grandmother's brooch. It took a while to create the mold and find the right size gems to set in it. That was how we met. I had to adjust the pin part three times because it got caught on clothing. I finally just replaced the pin part with a better one. A more expensive one at no cost to her. I asked her out after that. She accepted and we found that we had a lot of things in common.

I was shocked that Lyle brought home his fiancé and we had not met her yet. Then I realized who she had dated before Lyle and she told us the whole story. She was nearly framed by him for his criminal activities. It sounded just like him. The rest of the family welcomed her after we got to know her. They are having a simple wedding and reception. Only family and friends are invited. Leila has no family left and her friends have deserted her because of David. I volunteered to walk her down the aisle and Annabelle is her maid of honor and Anastasia is her brides maid. Roger is the best man and Christian is a groomsman. The wedding went very well and was very nice and simple. They served down home food from a restaurant that did catering of that kind of food. Mia tried to get recipes from them. Gia Matteo refused to give her competitor her secret recipes lol. The food was great and Gia made a lot of contacts at this wedding.

Things went great and Leila and Lyle planned a honeymoon to renovate their home they just bought. Ray and Elliott are helping them out. They are living in our house until it is completed. We gave them the room furthest from us. It is going to be odd having honeymooners stay here. Ray and I are used to o e another so we aren't the typical newlyweds. Only three months ago we tied the knot.

I brought a date to the wedding which surprised my family. Hannah Davis is the CEO at Seattle Independent Publishing. She inherited it from her father when he died of a heart attack after he found out that Jack Hyde his top editor was a human trafficker using his publishing  company to meet with criminals. Hannah had to handle things after his death and she has just now started recouping her authors and her profits. She has hired better people and got rid of the criminals in her company. Jack wasn't the only one. Her reputation is sterling now and she's keeping it that way. Her mother is now a best selling author of a book on how to tell the good guys from the bad guys. It really is a good book. Hilarious is one reason it is a best seller, she created a comedy out of her grief over Simon Davis. Gwen Davis has left her mark and they want to make a movie of her book.

I am thinking about the fact that I was mistaken for Anastasia yet again. I think that I am much prettier than she is and I carry myself much better. Oh well they now know I am Annabelle and she is Anastasia. Dad chuckles when people can't tell us apart. I don't think it is funny. Well not any more that is. When we were younger it was fun to do things to get Anastasia in trouble, but at this point we aren't really that active in each others lives. She has four children and a husband, plus security teams assuring she is safe, so I can't get a2ay with a thing and blame it on her.

Annabelle was getting upset about getting mistaken for me. Carrick and Grace had started talking to her and they mentioned Annabelle coming to the wedding alone and she finally had to tell them who she was. We are wearing the same dress and accessories. Christian definitely knew the difference between us. Like she is left handed and I am right handed and I start off walking with the right foot and she leads with her left foot. I never knew that. He says there are also other things that most don't notice that he does. She apparently tried to hit on Christian and he told her to cut it out. We don't have her over very much at all. If he hadn't knew that it wasn't me he says she would have had sex with him. She used her left hand and that gave her away. She got told off by everyone in the family. Another thing I had done was a tattoo that only Christian and I know about and where it is and what it is. It looks amazing close up. The person who did it had to use special lenses to do the work. It's an inch long and wide, it's a guardian Angel helping children across a log bridge. It took the lady three days to complete.

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