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Hello everyone!

Thanks for all the love you guys have been giving. It is what makes me write, motivates me to do better.

This ones just a query

Writing this story, the feel is a little different.  The characters aren't simple, or exactly whitey whitey. The story line isn't really mushy mushy , and it involves people engaged in complex bonds with each other.

Writing this is a little different, and at times I worry if the idea of plot and characters and their bonds around each other are clear to.the audiences??

I would really appreciate if you helped me around this, maybe a little feedback.   
Is the story coming across as right?
Do I need to.make any changes? Are the  characters clear, and can you relate to them??

Plzz so.let me know. Any changes, ideas ,suggestions are a welcome

❣❣❣love once again ❣❣❣

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