Chapter 22

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Pulling the hair to the front, Shehnaaz covered her chest while she wiped any tears that were present in her eyes. She picked up her phone thinking that she would use that to make the payment.
Click and the door opned, revealing the man that stood at the door. Ofcourse, it wasn't her pizza. It was him, Siddharth. 

"Hey!" She spoke looking at him, still standing at the door. She was surely not expecting him.He was dressed up in a deep midnight blue shirt and a gainsboro formal pants, his hair all free and falling gently on his forehead. She wondered if the hairstyle particularly made him look younger than he was. It had been a few days since they had last met, and he was back to being bearded, only this time he had chosen  a more neat look.

"A good host would ask me in.", Sidharth spoke looking at her. She looked confused, her face tired, hair messed. She wasn't in the best of forms to look at for now. Her eyes a little swollen and so were her nose and the face. "You have been crying " he spoke taking a step forward to her. His hands went to the side of her cheek as he observed her keenly.

Just as he moved closer to her, the notes of musk and aud hit her and the touch of his fingers on her skin brought her back. "You are not my guest!" She spoke turning away and walking inside, while the door remained open for him to walk in.  "You did not call me?", she spoke as he walked into the sitting area of her apartment, while she herself picked up the files, clothes and a few wrappers that lay on the sofa, clearing some space for him to sit in.

"This looks...", he spoke looking around the room. The entire area was a mess, the comforter that they had slept in lay on the floor along with a few cushions,  her laptop was open with some files running, she was stalking someone for sure. The TV on the wall had greys anatomy palying at a low vioce, he was sure that was for the background effects while she worked. The clutter of the food boxes that she had ordered over days lay along the room, wrappers of chocolates ,chips ,bottles of beer,  coffee mugs that still had leftover coffee. "Messy ." He finally spoke not able to find a work that would offend her less.

Shehnaaz had stopped picking up the things, she stood there observing him as he scanned her room.She knew this was messy and she couldn't care any less, but his eyes scanninf through everything annoyed him. She was bracing for a look of superiority towards her , when he used all his strength to call it messy. Messy, she thought.  This was what entropy at best could be described. If she were asked to  find a single thing in this place, it would take her an hour or more  and he had called it messy ,just messy.

She smiled. "Mr Sharma this is how you define chaos. This not messy, this is ..."she looked around, placing her hands her waist. "This is me. This is how I live, deep, dark, lonely." She spoke and sat on the floor along with a pile if clothes.  She had been hungry, thirsty, tired. She had been lonely and exhausted, she hadn't showered in the whole of day and right now she was weirdly done. Something rose from deep within, her hands went to her eyes as she covered them.

Sidharth saw her do that. It expressions were so clean and normal that it did not occur to him that she was tears. "It would not be a mess, if you were a little less lazy..", he was speaking when Shehnaaz shook her head and then lifted her eyes to look into his direction. Her shoulders fell as she looked hopelessly in his direction.

In an instant, Siddharth looked at her and fell quiet. Her tear stained face and dropped shoulders did something to his heart. He had not seen her like that, nor could he see her like that. "Hey!" He spoke reaching her in a few big steps. He came closer to her looking at her, as she hid her face into her knee. "Kya hua hai? U alright?" He spoke standing, looking at her frame.

She shook her head and didn't say a word. She was used to being this, weak and tired at times. But she wasn't used to sharing this misery. She didn't know what he would think if he saw her like that. She knew a good cry today was probably the solution to all her miseries  . But she didn't want him to think of her as weak. "Bolo? Kya hua?", he spoke again looking at her, his hand slowly patting at her shoulder.

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