chapter 29

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A 26  year old female with vaginal bleed, unconscious, bp 79/62, largely distended abdomen, rebound tenderness..."

Mayabk heard someone speak. All he could see was the rush, someone  had come to him within seconds of the ambulance arriving at the hospital.

"To the right, get an ultrasound ready..." he could hear the voices around him speak and all he could see was the girl who was being transferred to a room. Mayank knew Shehnaaz well, not the kind of well Sidharth knew, but a different kind of well. She was a young ambitious women from backgrounds not very different from his. She was obstinate,very adamant, and she had walked miles towards her ambition. Her journey seemingly simple was actually a very scary one. She was a young girl when she had chosen to choose her dreams over the ideals of others, even her parents.  And thereafter she had never looked back, never thought of herself as a victim, found solutions to all her problems and made her way to where she had aimed. Mayank admired her for this, he knew that no one could imagine the mental strength that she would have needed to reach Yale and see herself fly. And too all alone.

"She you wife sir?" The girl dressed in blue scrubs asked him. "Whats her medical history..." she kept on asking as he looked on.

"No, she's a colleague. She fell in the office."

"Her next of kin?"

Mayank shook his head. "No, she's alone!" He spoke as he saw Shehnaaz lifted to the bed, the drapes being pulled as he was asked by someone to walk away from the door, while he shut the same.

Mayank took the phone away from his ear, as he saw the man walk towards him.

"How is she? Alright?", he spoke, as the man stopped in front of him. It had just been just few days since Mayank had been to the same hospital, waiting outside the OT as his son got operated.

"She was pregnant. 10 weeks."  He spoke as Mayank realized that his guess was correct. "She is in hemorrhagic shock and thats critical for the moment,  we are trying our best!" The man was quick to speak as he moved past mayank.

"Sidharth? Kidr hai ? " Mayank yelled as he stood in the office of his rich and important client.

Mayank had a wild guess about the father. Mayank knew Sidharth way too closely. He his darker side and maybe that was all he knew. His head could not stop thinking about Siddharth. Sidharth was the kind if rich none of them were, neither Shehnaaz nor him. Probably Sidharth's house cleaning staff earned more than her. And when Mayank connected dots, all he could guess was that a rich man, with a character very well known, had used a younger new girl for his entertainment and left her all alone. And he had taken it all very personally. He was angry and there was no way he was going to let this go. Especially after, he saw Bhavya walk into Sidharth's office.

"Sir, just a minute.  He'll see you. Let me call him!" Krystal spoke as tried to stop Mayank from walking into Sidharth's office. But Mayank was in no mood to listen.

"You motherfucker!" He spoke entering Siddharth's office. Mayank almost sprinted to Sidharth.Sidharth had been sitting on a sofa chair with his mother, wife and a two more people.

"Mayank what the Fuck...", Sidharth stood speaking as he heard and saw Mayank. This was an important meeting, both his and Bhavya's lawyers were discussing the parts in case a settlement could be reached. Mayank was an uninvited guest, and before Siddharth could realize his intentions, Mayaank had landed a punch on his face.

"Behnchod, what do you think of yourself!" Maybak shouted as he landed the punch. The hit was a surprise to Sidharth and it took him a moment to register Mayank's act. Mayank was a smaller man compared to Sidharth, a 5.8 guy with a smaller build than Sidharth and ofcourse tempers way softer than Sidharth.

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