Chapter 30

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"That was great!" Sidharth spoke, looking at the screen that had hosted the sixth meeting for the night. It was already early hours of the morning, around four, that Sidharth was finally done attending to the work that needed his attention the most and he had not attended over the last three days at hospital.

"Huhh!" He spoke as he shut the screen of the laptop, rubbing is eyes. He was tired, so tired that his back ached. The last two days he had spent at the hospital were the reason he had work piled up. His mother had attended to whatever she could, but still there was some of it that required only Sidharth. Life was tight schedule and for a person like Sidharth, if any time was needed off the work it had to planned properly,otherwise a lot things and lot of people would fall out of place.  As he closed the laptop, he let his back hit the bed. And oh! It felt great. He was finally on bed after two nights at the hospital.
As soon as the thought of the hospital crossed his mind, he remembered Shehnaaz.   "Yrr!" He spoke to himself.  He was too tired to see her, but he knew he needed to check on her.

Shehnaaz had a hard time sleeping and she hard time staying awake at the same time. She lay with her back pushed against a couple of cushions as she looked at the ceiling of the room. Her hair were messed up, she had a nurse comb them a day before, but right now they were a mess. Her skin looked darker and paler. Her eyes had deep underbags, she looked awful to say the least and on top of all that, she had almost no strength. She couldn't even move herself to the washroom. And she hated all of that.

As she kept looking at the ceiling, events from the last few days kept flashing before her eyes. She could see and hear Sidharth as he asked to get out of his house, she could see him mocking about Sheeraz and then all she could see was the ceiling of this room in his house. She remembered her parents, and how she had no relationship with them, had virtually no friends and now the only thing that was granted as hers ( the child)  was gone. Her hand moved to her lower abdomen, she knew she wouldn't have kept the baby in a situation like that, but it still hurt. She caressed the part of her lower abdomen, what had been a home to her baby for over two months. She moved her fingers slow and soft, as her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Silent tears, that even she wasn't aware of kept moving out of her eyes.  She was in grief or maybe she was mourning or maybe she was just confused and tired. But right now she was alone, and the fact that she hadn't seen any of Sharma's after she had arrived and only added to her feeling of burden.

"Hmmm..''  Siddharth made a sound with his throat after he was finally done  looking at her. She looked awful, but she was still prettier than most of people he had seen in his life. He knew she was having a hard time, but he didn't know how to handle her. He had never been that person.

Shehnaaz turned her face to look into his direction, just as he spoke. That wasn't intentional, but had happened in a reflex, and as soon as she realized that, she turned her face away.

Sidharth smiled as she did not. Not a full smile, but a half lip smile like he knew she was in pain, and also that she would never admit to that. He walked over to her side, "I have been there for a few minutes, you were a little busy with the ceiling!" He spoke sitting on the bed, facing her.

"I am sorry, I didn't see you...", she answered looking at him, as she tried shifting herself a little back on the bed.  As she did so, she felt a pang of pain hit her and her eyes closed tight in a response,  while her hands cluthed the sheets.

"Hey?", Sidharth spoke as his hand went up her face. He used his fingers to caress her skin. "Is it that bad?"he spoke as her head dipped into the crook of his neck.

"Ahhhh...m." she made a sound out of pain as the sweat broke on her body. She wanted a shoulder to cry on, a lap to place her on, but she had neither

"Sorry!" She spoke as gained her conposure back, moving a little back. He had not been there, or seen her after she had arrived in that room, and thus she did not knos if she could rely on him.

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