Chapter 10

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The moment she spoke those words, he loosened his grip a little and then the realization hit him, Sheeraz wasn't a play toy. He was a revenge! Siddharth looked into her eyes, those hazel eyes and for the first time saw something in them. They had seen so much, shed  tears and lost so much. Her eyes looking at him, her face sinfully beautiful. The radiance of her eyes, consumed him. Just as he had loosened his grip along her neck, he tugged a little more, her eyes moving close to his, their eyelashes brushing each other's.  She parted her lips in a moment of desire and he, in an instant placed his lips on top of hers, taking a quick, powerful taste of hers. But that wasn't enough, she was a tempting sin and he needed more. Their lips apart, their hearts racing, their eyes unable to look up onto each other, they stood in silence of an instant.

Coming to realization, Siddharth gathered courage to look at her, as her little fingers clutched upon his t shirt, the grip so soft and fragile it made his heart flutter.  Her eyes closed, her lips a little parted and the flicks of hair,like the streams down a hill, cascading along her face. Siddharth stood still like that, taking all of this in. He was going to  memorize every detail of the moment,  the look on her face, the color of her dress, the smell  and the taste of hers.

Not feeling his lips on her's anymore, Shehnaaz opened her eyes a little, slowly and softly she looked af him, like the first sight after a deep slumber. Only to find him staring in her direction, trying to decipher what was happening. "I want more?", Siddharth whispered looking at her. He wished he would not say those words, or look at her the way he did, but he couldn't help. She was the sparkling night sky and no mortal could look away.

A silent, smile crept across her face. A soft one that could barely be noticed. She did not want this, but she liked it. In a soft moment she stepped on her toes and lifted her body a little higher trying to reach him, her right hand went to the side if his face, over the unshaven beard. The soft grip of hers,  melted him like butter and he instinctively lowered himself to her height. Shehnaaz was quick and soft at the same time, she joined her lips to his.  Her lips pulling along his lower lip, softly tasting the wine and saliva over those, as Siddharth stood the recipient,looking at her, just letting himself drench in the feeling. She lightly used her tongue and brushed along the commsiure of his lips , again moving to his lower lip, planting a long, but soft kiss. Satisfied with her act, she slowly pulled away, her eyes closed while he continued to look at her, absorbing every single spot that existed on her face. "Statiated?", Shehnaaz whispered,  questioning. Her hazel eyes stuck at his deep brown, almost black eyes.

Statiated, it was the word that made him realize that he missed the taste of her lips, the softness of the petals that she had used to kiss him. He looked at her, she had pulled her lips together, pursing them, looking at him, with weird eyes. The eyes that for the moment were door way to another world. Their gaze locked and Siddharth moved his head in a denial. He quickly took a quarter step forward reducing the air space between them, " Tell me you would not regret this?" He spoke strong enough, his voice gruff.

"What?" She answered back, her hand grasping his shirt, trying not to lose balance.

"This!" He spoke, lowering himself to her face, placing his lips on her. This time his hands went around her face, as he tried keeping her steady while his lips moved against hers. He wasn't soft and slow, but he wasn't rough either. Just in between for her to experience his way. As he progressively moved with the kiss, their breaths and salivas mixing, Shehnaaz felt herself failing to keep balance.

"", was only what he could make out of the sound he heard, and Oh! he could swear it to heavens, nothing could ever compare.  Shehnaaz moved her fingers along his beard, softly encouraging him. "Si..." this time she again, meweled, a soft purr or a moan, he didn't know. But Siddharth let his hands wander down along her body, resting along her buttocks, as he gently sqeezed them before lifting her up to the side table along her wall, his lips refusing to part for a second. The moment he placed her on the table, he pulled her even closer,  wrapping her leps along his torso, while he kissed as his hands freely roamed along her body, moving to the nearly bare back.
He moved his lips away from hers moving down her neck, placing soft and powerful kisses along the way. She was intoxicating and this was getting out of control.

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