01 | Welcome

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"Look he is perfect for the team, fits the vibe and energy of you guys!" The manager emphasised whilst looking at the members.

"Hyung, l don't know he looks so petite and scrawny.." Jongho said to Hongjoong.

Hongjoong leaned forward in his seat staring at the photo of the newest member.

The manager started tapping his foot in frustration, before leaving the room.

"We have to choose, we go back on air in 5." San said as he looked into the mirror and fixed his hair.

"F*ck it now or never I guess." Hongjoong said as he rolled his sleeves up and picked up the photo.

They all began leaving the room and walking towards the stage.

Staff rushed towards them in a hurry fixing their mics. Yunho winked at one of them as he began walking up the stairs, the staff started blushing immediately.

Hoongjoong glared at him before walking off to.

The stage lights hit the members face and they smiled into the camera.

The MC Jungkook smiled as he began speaking "Welcome back to survival 78, after great deliberation we have chosen the winner for this season."

"Leader Hongjoong please give a few words to the contestants."

"Firstly, I would like to congratulate all contestants we recognise the hard work and efforts. However there can only be one new member, we took time and patience to choose them based on their skills. We look forward to working with you." He smiled into the camera.

"Great. Now the countdown has started voters, alongside the members choice and international votes we will reveal the final member.."

Wonyoung POV

I could feel the sweat dripping off my face as the studio lights shined hard and relentlessly.

The countdown began and I could feel myself shaking.. please let me be chosen.

I stared into the crowd as I saw Kai giving me death glares. I need to win this and pay of my debt.. that's my only and main goal.

Suddenly I heard my name being shouted at and loud cheers.

The MC walked up to me and said words I couldn't even comprehend whilst handing the mic to me.

"Wonyoung do you have anything you'd like to say?" The MC asked me intently.

I held the mic tightly "Than- Thank you for this opportunity. I will work hard!" I said whilst bowing.

Let's just survive.


The confetti fell as the stage lit up where wonyoung was. I stared at his lost face he seemed overwhelmed and a little scared.. as if someone in the crowd was attacking him?

I scoffed as I saw him stuttering, what a loser.

Why did it have to be him.

I looked at the other members who looked as angry as me.

Hongjoong glared at us and we plastered fake smiles.

The MC and wonyoung came towards us. Mingi was the first to hug wonyoung and then Hongjoong.

He came in front of me and I hugged him tightly. He felt almost breakable, what a small freak.

"Welcome to the team." I whispered. I could see him quiver which made me feel good for some reason.

Seonghwa POV

After all the greetings we went backstage with Wonyoung following slowly.

I took out my ear piece and started untucking my shirt. "It was f*cking hot up there".

"For real. I need some sleep and a fan right now." Yeosang replied as he pushed past me and sat in his makeup chair.

From the corner of my eye I could see Wonyoung stare at me. "What are you staring at." I said whilst raising my hand up.

He froze up and he started to back away. His back hit Wooyoungs who pushed him forward.

"I just wanted- wanted to say thank you and I will work hard!" He bowed down so much times I was getting a headache.

Wonyoung POV

Suddenly my collar was being held and I hit the hard wall.

"You were chosen because of this directors not us. We don't see you as another member so don't think we do. Just stay quiet and don't do anything." San said as he held onto my throat.

I held onto my throat and tried pulling myself away, with each I could feel myself lose more conciousness.

I was suddenly dropped to the floor. Hongjoong pulled San away from me "you idiot don't cause a scene here. There's cameras everywhere." San huffed and walked away not before spitting on the floor.

My eyes teared up, it's not like I want this..

Mingi looked at me for a second, then turned around.

I stayed on the floor as they all scuffled about. "Yah, are you dumb get up we have to go." Someone said as they hit the back of my head.

I rubbed my head as I slowly stood up and awkwardly followed behind them.

They all had dressed in more casual outfits with masks.

We left the venue and arrived at the after party.

When we entered everyone stopped and stared.

"Welcome Wonyoung! You're the new one right." A Middle Aged man said as he came towards me.

"What a pretty little thing you are, girls are gonna love you." He said as he held my face and moved it left to right.

I stood there trembling and was hoping this would be over as soon as possible.

The other members walked towards a table full of drinks. The older man put his arm around me as I joined the table.

I sat there awkwardly as the other members talked amongst themselves.

Yeosang POV

I poured myself a drink and took a shot.

I could see director Sang il and karina talking to wonyoung.

"He annoys me so much. Why did we have to take him in." San said angrily.

"It's fine we just need to look like we are in a friendly terms on camera." I whispered.

I could see Sang Il pouring a drink into wonyoungs cup. "I don't drink."

We all glared at wonyoung as if threatening him with our eyes.

Sang Il laughed, "come on you have to it's a welcome gift!"

Wonyoung stood still but I could see San step on his foot causing pain to erupt in his face.

He took the cup whilst half its contents spilled out due to his shaky hand. He then drink it before violently coughing.

Sung il laughed as Karina wiped his mouth.

The night continued as Wonyoung was pressured into drinking more and our hatred grew.

Wonyoung POV

My head felt like it was gonna burst. I could feel heat from everywhere in my body.

"Where's the bathroom?" I slurred

Karina pointed to the stairs. I stood up slowly as I walked up the stairs.

My eyes were blurry so I held the side of the wall as I walked up.

I finally got into the bathroom, I vomited and everything up before collapsing.

I could feel someone rub my back up and down gently.

Then everything started going black...

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