13 | Practise makes perfect

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Jongho POV

I picked up Wonyoung she feels extremely light.. is she even a healthy weight.

She refused to put her arms around my neck so she kept nearly falling.

"Please just at least hold my shirt. You will hurt yourself." I looked down at her and she continued to ignore me.

I don't blame her.. I would do the same

I looked at her neck which was still scattered in scars. Her collarbones were almost popping out of her skin.

I felt a wave of guilt pass me..

"Are you ok."

There was a large silence and I almost regretted asking..

I could see her eyes water up and she began to chew on her lips.

Please don't make me feel. Because then it makes it all real.

Her sobs filled the air as I continued to walk with her in my arms towards the practise room.

My shirt was full of tears..

"Please don't cry.. they will be more harsh on you."

She continued to sob

I put her down on the ground softly and she immediately dropped down

I quickly caught her by the waist and put her arm around my neck.

She pushed me away and felt down again and cried more loudly.

"Please let me help." I put my hand out.

"You can help me. Let me go." Her eyes were filled with tears and I could feel the desperation in her voice.

Maybe this is all wrong.

Before I could pick her up the doors of the practise room open. San was smiling and laughing with Hongjoong.

However that soon disappeared as he looked down at Wonyoung on the floor.

"Is she being difficult?" He said

Wonyoung immediately moved away and I moved a bit forward as if my shadow could cover her.

"Get up." Hongjoong stared at her intensely

"She can't.. she hurt her-" before I could continue he cut me off.

"Do you need princess treatment after betraying us?" He laughed

San joined in

Wonyoung looked down at the ground and started to crawl forward towards San. Her head was positioned downward and her knees were almost touching his feet.

I was shocked by what I saw next..

She grabbed onto San's leg with her frail arms "Please let me go."

Her voice broke as she began sobbing again and her tears now fell onto his shoes.

The door for the practise room was now open as Mingi and Yeosang also stared at what was happening

"Babe. You're begging the wrong person. This turns me on more than anything." San pulled her up by the arm as she squealed in pain

"The only thing you need to focus your pretty little brain on is this practise." He said as she pulled her in.

Hongjoong followed.

Mingi POV

Wonyoung was dragged into the practise room by San who had held her arm so hard it was turning bright red.

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