05 | pay up

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Wonyoung POV

I felt Mingi slap my butt and I began running off.

"Stop!" I scrambled away hitting his hands.

He kept laughing as he looked at the other members

"He's so cute." I rolled my eyes at his comment guarding myself away from him

"Who can't even learn a dance..." San muttered which earned a glare for me

I quickly looked away as San stared at me hard.

They all went to get changed but I pretend I forgot something to go change elsewhere

"Where you going..." Mingi whined as he held my arm

"I forgot my phone in the room." I said pulling his arms of me

I quickly started walking back towards the main choreography room

As I was walking I banged into a hard chest, I held my head tightly

A hand suddenly held onto my wrist "look who this is.." I gasped and moved back

Before I could pull away Kai pulled me closer

"I haven't been paid yet.." I stuttered looking away from home as I tried to push away from him

"I know.. I just wanted to keep you in check." He said staring at me

"Your brother ran away, wouldn't want you running away. Especially if you need to pay up." He said pushing me closer to him

"I will. I just need to debut first and then I swear I will pay. Look I even joined this stupid group for you." I whined scared the members would see

"Fine. But if you don't get me anything soon you'll be at my mercy." He whispered as he trailed his fingers down my back

A sudden cough made me realise the intimacy of our closeness

"He's got to leave now." Yeosang said pulling me back

"See you wonyoung." Kai said winking as he walked away

Yeosang POV

I grabbed his wrist tightly as I dragged him to the car.

"Why do you let him man handle you." I said angrily

"I don't." He stuttered

"You do. You act so weakly. Can't you even protect yourself?" I felt my face getting more red

Why does he make me feel so angry.. especially when I see people drag him around

"I tried-" before he could continue I pushed him into the car.

He squealed as he fell onto wooyoungs lap who held onto him

"Why didn't you change." He said as he adjusted wonyoung onto his lap

"He was to busy being bullied by his uncle or whatever." I said rolling my eyes

Hongjoong looked agitated as he stared at wonyoung

"If he ever does anything weird to you, you have to tell us." Hongjoong repeated grabbing wonyoungs jaw looking at him intensely

His eyes were glistening innoncently

Wonyoung seemed uncomfortable sitting on wooyoungs laps as he kept moving around

"Stay f*cking still." Wooyoung said

"But there's something under here poking me.." he said as he shifted

We all stared at Wooyoung alerted

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