07 | I think I like you.

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Wonyoung POV

We arrived at school and they let me get out of the car with them which made me anxious as I knew loads of people would be outside.

I wiped my palms in my lap as I could feel the sweat drip down the side of my face.

"It's fine chill out." Mingi said as he pulled out a hankerchief and came close to me

He brought his face close to mine and wiped my forehead where the sweat dripped from.

He is so attractive...

I pinched myself to avoid thinking about him and pushed him away "I can do it myself."

He looked at me oddly before moving away.

The doors opened and we left the car and girls ran towards us.

It felt even more awkward knowing I was not a true member but a girl who was just trying to make money to pay off a loan.

That reminded me.. Kai.

Before I could stress any further Hongjoong pulled my arm towards the classroom.

"Are you daydreaming?" He said as he dragged me with the other members

I gulped as I felt him put an arm around the small of my back.

I moved away uncomfortably but he grabbed me again and whispered in my ear "Becareful there are eyes everywhere even when you think you can trust someone you can't." He said as he glared in somi's direction

I nodded wearily as I walked closer to my desk

"Hey! How was your day." Somi said as she smiled and started walking towards me

"Yeah it was good. How was yours?" She then yapped for a hour about her amazing day out

The homeroom teacher came in "Guys we have PE." After he said that everyone started to move their things and get changed

The girls left the room before the guys got undressed.

I awkwardly stood up and held my PE kit.

I need to find a bathroom to change in.

"Where are you going?" San said as he kicked his leg in front of me

"Bathroom." I said

"You can change here." He said moving my head to look at the multiple people changed into their kit

"I just prefer being alone." I said trying to edge closer to the door.

"Whatever." San said as I pushed past him and into the bathroom


I watched as Wonyoung came out wearing a PE Kit to big for his own good.

He looked cute as he confusedly looked around for what everyone was doing.

"Dodgeball!" The coach shouted as we got into two teams.

Somi began pulling Wonyoung towards her side of the court.

I could see Mingi grab wonyoung's arm and pull him back "Apologise he will have to stay with us for now."

"Why can't she come to our team?" Wonyoung said quietly.

"She is so bad at dodgeball." Yeosang said as he pretend to throw the ball at Wonyoung

Wonyoung flinched and shut his eyes before carrying on as usual.

"Seems like your bad to." Yeosang said

The game began and the coach blew the whistle.

The ball was thrown from our side and we received it back.

Wonyoung stayed at the back watching all of us from a distance unsure of where to help and who to help.

The ball suddenly came flying towards him and he fell to the ground.

Seonghwa ran to him and picked him up bridal style.

"Are you okay?" He said to wonyoung.

"I'm fine." Wonyoung said as blood dripped down his nose

"Oh gosh you need to go nurses office." Hongjoong said as he pushed wonyoung out

This made me angry - whenever I saw wonyoung injured I felt upset

I followed wonyoung to the nurses office and waited for Hongjoong to leave.

I could see wonyoung asleep in the nurses bed and I climbed onto of him.

"Why are you getting on my nerves." I said as I pushed my body closer to him.

I could feel myself get excited again and I tried slapping myself.

"You know what I will never know till I try." I began unbuttoning wonyoung's shirt as I leaned forward and began kissing his neck.

I could feel him squirm.

Wonyoung pov

"I'm fine." I said as I felt a drop of blood down my nose

"No. I'll take you to the nurses office." Hongjoong picked me up and dropped in the nurses office

I shut my eyes and attempted to sleep.

Before I could even get some sleep  I could feel warm sensations on my neck.

I woke up to see someone unbuttoning my shirt I quickly squirmed to get away.

"What are you doing.." I said as my eyes became teary as I looked at San

"Nothing." San said as he continued to unbutton my shirt

I kicked him "what are you doing stop."

"I need to know why I am feeling like this. Let me just do this and I'll get on my own way." He said

Before he could explain I pulled my shirt up not before he caught my arms.

He pushed me back and put my arms at the top of my head.

"I think I'm going crazy. You keep filling my mind." He said as he tried to move in for another kiss.

"Stop it!" I shouted I felt my tears falling out.

"I can't! Your making me crazy" he said angrily grabbing my collar

"I keep thinking of you. Worrying about you. It's a sickness after I do this one thing I'll forget about it." He said as he tried to unbutton my shirt further forcefully


Wonyoung began to cry and shake his head as I unbuttoned more of his shirt

"Stop please.." he said as he tried to move away

"Let me just do this once." I said as I moved to his neck and continued to kiss his soft skin

I moved my arms around his back and they moved down towards his legs.

He felt this and shut his legs immediately but I pried them back open.

Before I could continue I felt a force pull me off wonyoung.

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