14 | Jealousy, jealousy

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Wonyoung POV

I could still feel the burns on my butt so when we were practising, I leaned on the wall for support.

I tried my best to not mess up otherwise I'd get threatened.

Seonghwa suddenly wanted to do choreography and I wanted to die. I'm in pain I can't even move.

"But she's injured." One of the members said I was so tired I couldn't even look up and focus on what was happening.

The music began and we began dancing, I moved extremely slowly so not to make the pain worse.

San would occasionally pinch me when I was not focusing. As soon as I glared at him he moved his arm up as if he was going to hit me and I moved away.

The other members were focused on practising, seems like they also wanna leave this horrible place.

Seonghwa then came towards me, I instantly froze up.

He was demonstrating a movement, but as he raised my arms to the correct angle he brushed past my breast.

My eyes teared up, I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to have to be in this stupid group all because of the debt.

"Stop please." I tried to move away.

His hands became increasingly painful as they slid into my t-shirt.

"Not so fast. You didn't do the arm move." Before he could continue his assault I used all my strength to push him away. This made me end up falling as well.

"Don't touch me!" I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Who does she think she is. She betrayed us first now is acting all high and mighty!" San shouted and came towards me but before that Hongjoong stopped him.

"I think that's enough for today. We have got school tommorow we all need rest." The other members nodded in agreement.

Seonghwa bent down as put his fingers under my chin "I am sorry bambi.. I got a bit carried away. But next time you refuse my touch I won't be so understanding."

I moved my head away.

Seonghwa clenched his jaw and I shut my eyes ready for another attack.

"Let's all go get some rest." Wooyoung said.

"Wonyoung we will be up early for school so remember to be ready." Hongjoong said before he left

I was grateful for this, atleast they didn't focus on me for a while.

They all began leaving the practise room. Except for Yeosang who took extra long put his shoes back on.

I pulled myself up and I held the corner of a table.

Yeosang quickly helped me as he pulled his arm under me.

"I can do it alone."

He ignored me and continued to help me all the way to the practise rooms exit door.

As he let me go gently I moved to leave but he shut the door with his hand

"Wonyoung.. I am sorry for how you're being treated. You've put us all in a spell." I laughed

"What the hell. How is it my fault all your brothers keep trying to assault me!" I shouted

I moved my hand towards the door again but Yeosang put his hand on my cheek and moved my face towards him

"Promise me you'll let me be the first." I looked confused

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