11 | Can't escape

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Hongjoong POV

San got off wonyoung who scrambled to the back of the bed.

I grabbed the bottom of her foot "Uh-uh." She kept on kicking and squirming to get away. I could see her dress was riding up showing her pants..

I could take her right here. Right now.

"Please I just wanna go." She said as she looked up at me with teary eyes

"Well then you better stay f*cking still. Or it will be tougher on you." I said as I pushed her down by her should and reached out for a cuff

"What are you doing!" She screamed as she continued to slap her arms around

"San hurry up!" I could see him taking forever to open the cupboard

I finally cuffed her legs to the bed as she continued to sob

"I hate you!" She screamed

I came close to her pushing her down and reaching out for her arm.

"And I don't care." I moved closer to her face as I pulled tight on her arm

She swung her arm which was freed to slap my face

I stood up immediately and looked at her

Her face was red and tears were filling her eyes

I need to control myself

San ran forward and slapped wonyoung who fell back onto the bed and began weeping again in to the bed

"Are you okay?" He said as he looked at my cheek

"Yeah. I'm fine. Did you get it?" I said looking at him

"Mhm." He handed me the whip

"Put her arms to the bed post" I passed him the cuff

Wonyoung had continued to struggle but San whispered something in her ear and then moved his hand toward her pants.

She froze and didn't fight as he continued to cuff

"See it was so easy right?" He laughed as he licked his lips looking up and down at her

Wonyoung was laid out on the bed with her arms cuffed to the bed posts and legs spread open

"Please. I didn't mean to shame your group my brother has a debt and I came to pay it off." She said as she looked at me with her beady eyes

"Well now you've got a debt with us. But this one you can pay off." I smiled as I wiped the tears of

"How?" She said innocently and she continued to sniffle

I moved my hand back down to her collarbone and closer to her cleavage

"With your body."

With that she began to violently shake her head and move her torso left to right

"The first lesson I'll teach you is to never lie." I stood up and unbuttoned my shirt

"Yeah don't lie to us baby." San said as he pushed his lips onto hers as she continued to struggle

"Help!" She managed to scream

"Baby all the other members are busy. Plus even if they do hear.. they'll probably do worse than us." He said as he continued to kiss her

"San off now." I said as I had to pull him off before he practically was about to rip her clothes off

"Count every hit." I said as her face turned in horror to the whip

I whipped her legs and she started screaming

"Count or I'll double all of them." I said

"On- one" she said as she continued to cry

"Four-" she said silently

"Louder." I said

She continued to count as she was slowly closing her eyes in tiredness.

"Should we stop... she's in a bad state." San said worriedly as he turned to me

I ignored him and continued

"This will teach her to never lie and run away from us."

Her pale legs were bleeding and bruised now. Even in this state she looked beautiful to me.. it all made sense to why I felt attracted to her now.

"One hundred." She whispered out as she seemed to be drained of any energy

"That's it." I said

I moved down to her face. She was breathing really slowly and had closed her eyes.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" I whispered

"Yes." She said silently

"That's good. You now you are ours right?" She didn't respond so I whipped her legs again

"Yes." She said with even less energy

"Hyung... she looks really bad." San whispered I glared at him

"Now that Kai guy did you sleep with him?" I said as I moved her hair back from her face which was now full of sweat

"No." She replied

"Don't lie." I said whipping her again

"But we didn't-" I stood up

"He must have seen your body! Especially dressed like that in that place." I shouted

"What are we going to do about it?" San said

"Cut her clothes off." I said

I could feel myself get excited as San got on top of wonyoung who was nearly unconscious at this point

He got scissors and began cutting through her skimpy dress.

He left her in her undergarments and I admired her slim figure.

I need to control myself.

I suddenly felt the severity of the situation..

I looked at wonyoungs legs which were bleeding and bruised from my beatings and her unconscious state

"I think that's all for now... you're right she is in a bad state." I backed off

"Then can I do whatever I want now."

I felt so overwhelmed I left San in the room with her

As I left the room I bumped into Mingi who looked confused at me

"What's wrong?" I ignored him as I ran up to my room

Mingi POV

I felt suspicious as I saw wonyoungs door open and Hongjoong in a shocked state.

He has never acted like this..

I walked towards wonyoungs room.

I could see San hovering over an unconscious nude body

"What the." I whispered out as I stepped closer I saw wonyoung lying still with her clothes ripped up and bleeding legs

San continued to kiss her collarbone

I pulled him off.

"What the. Hongjoong said it's fine!" He whined as he tried to go back onto her

"She's not even concious now." I shouted

"Yeah... should we call the doctor?" San suddenly looked guilty like Hongjoong.

"Where is Yeosang he has some training in medicine?"

"I'll get him." He said as he turned around and left the room

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