09 | Found You

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I picked up wonyoung who was knocked out of her sleep in the back of my car.

The maids came towards me "Sir who is this?"

I glared at the maid and they moved away

I walked up the stairs and kicked the door open.

Wonyoung rolled closer into my chest as she continued to sleep

If this was a different circumstance I would find her adorable but right now I have to think about the debt her brothers owe me.

I laid her on my bed as I walked out.

I picked up my car keys as I looked at my watch another show will start soon.

"Sir sir what about her." The maid said concerned

"When she is awake dress her up and bring her to stage 5."

I wonder how hot she will look in a dress...


Manager came in "Where the hell is she?" He shouted

"Look it was all a mistake." I said trying to explain this

"Whatever, our main goal is to find him. God knows what scandals would come out of he tells dispatch this." Hongjoong said whilst staring at his phone

Suddenly Hongjoong seemed concerned as he looked at his phone

"What's wrong hyung?" I walked towards him

He glared at me

"I know where he is. Someone sighted him near club 88."

We all got ready to leave

"Wait wear your caps please. I don't need anymore scandals for god sake." Manager said as we wore our disguises

We entered our cars and sped off towards the club

"Why is he at the club?" Yeosang said

"Forgot that I'm going crazy I like a guy" I said

"Bro we all are." He laughed

Hongjoong angrily glared at us

"Guys it's not funny." Seonghwa said as he looked concerned

"I need to check whether I still like girls.." wooyoung said

Before we could continue talking we reached the club

We walked into the club which was blasting loud music and full of right lights

From a distance I could see a stage which was currently empty

"Where is he?" I whispered looking around at the people sitting at the bar

"Relax don't be so obvious." Hongjoong said

The lights on stage turned and a small figure walked out

They wore a short tight fitting body con dress with a short bob.

I could feel a drink being pushed into my hand by Yeosang.

"For the nerves." He winked as he walked of looking around

I sipped some of my drink.

Christ. Did he have to give a whiskey.

I kept my eyes on the stage as the girl awkwardly stood there and men complained.

A man in a suit got up and whispered something in her ear as he pulled her more closer to the front of the stage.

She continued to pull down her short dress as she uncomfortably hid away from the crowd

God she didn't want to be here more than me.

I couldn't see her face as the lights were still red.

"Guys apologies for the delay. We will start soon." The man in the suit said as he continued to loudly shout at the girl in the stage

"God she looks terrified." Hongjoong said

I nodded

She was visibly trembling as she was forced to face the crowd

The music started playing 10 minutes by Lee hyori.

The man in the suit moved away as the lights became brighter

The girl awkwardly stood there as men shouted at her

"Are you a stick! Dance!"

"Get her off!"

Suddenly as the light hit her face I noticed they looked familiar

"Hyung.." Mingi pushed Hongjoong

"What?" He complained

"Isn't that wonyoung?" Mingi said confused looking on stage

We all stared and saw a awkward girl on stage who tried to hide herself from everyone's eyes

The man in the suit... looked awfully like Wonyoung uncle or whatever.

"I think he's right."

He raised his arm to her and she moved back scared


Hongjoong ran up the stage and pulled Kai's arm away

I followed along with Mingi

"What are you doing! Get off my stage." The man shouted

"You better move before I make a scene on this stage." Hongjoong angrily replied

I took off my coat and covered wonyoung who was trembling in front of me

"Are you okay?"

She was so out of it and looked exhausted

Mingi put a cap on her "In case anyone recognises you."

Hongjoong put his arm around her as we walked towards the exit

"Are you a girl?" Seonghwa pestered

"Shut up. We will talk at home."

As soon as we got in the car Wonyoung was asleep.

Hongjoong POV

I could feel Wonyoungs body lean against me and I could feel heat creeping up my body

Her legs were bare in front of me and her short tiny dress was not doing any justice

I saw San put his hand on top of her thigh

I could see the top of her dress showing her cleavage so I zipped up the jacket.

I didn't want to lose my control in this car in front of my members.

"Is she actually a girl?" Seonghwa said as he stared at her intently

"Should we check?" Yeosang said curiously

Seonghwa got excited at that and put his hand on her knees

"Let's check." He began to open her legs before he could continue I held his arm

"Let's not."

He moved back slowly and rolled his eyes

"I guess I can f*ck her in peace then." He said

"No one is doing anything until we understand what has happened here." I said staring at them all

The car stopped in front of the mansion and I picked up wonyoung and walked towards my room

Wonyoung continued to sleep in my arms

"We will deal with this tommorow. Guys do not try anything I am being serious." I said sternly

"You can't keep her to yourself that's not fair." San said as he tried to pull her

"I will sleep on the sofa and I am only doing this because I know one of you will mess up." I pushed him back

A/N guys sorry for being inactive last week

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