08 | You are ours

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Seonghwa POV

I walked towards the nurses office wondering how Wonyoung was keeping up.

He is to weak and fragile..

As I walked towards the door I could see through the glass.

Wonyoung was pushed down onto the bed and squirming his legs up and down.

I could see hands hurriedly trying to pull down his trousers.

I could hear his cries get louder "Stop!" He shouted

With that I barged in and dragged the attacker of him.

I saw San with a flushed face and look back at Wonyoung

He was sweaty and his shirt had been unbuttoned making him look... hot

His trousers were unbuttoned and he quickly picked them up and adjusted his shirt.

"Are you crazy?" He shouted at San as he stood up

He launched towards San and I quickly stood in front of him.

"Why did you do that? Who do you think you are. Just because I am new to the group you can't bully me like this. I am a human to this is to much." He broke down in tears as he clutched onto my shirt

Even in this state I felt attracted to him

"Brother don't you feel it to." San whispered in my ear

I did feel it... it's as if every cry and every touch wonyoung hit on my chest made me more attracted.

His cries filled the room and I couldn't stand it anymore so I pulled his chin up and looked into his eyes.

"I don't blame him.. your a fatal attraction." I leaned forward and kissed him forcing my lips in

His lips were so soft and smooth like a girls... maybe even better.

I could feel him punching my chest but I held his small wrists in him hand

I knew this was bad but I just felt to good to pull away

I could feel him lose his breath so I slowly let go

He moved back and wiped his lips and tears continued to flow out of his eyes

He ran towards the door and attempted to open it

Before he could San stood behind him with his hand over the latch.

"Even if you run.. you're still going to see us." He whispered into Wonyoung's ears

Wonyoung pushed his shoulder into San who fell down from the sudden force as Wonyoung ran out

"Brother we have a problem.." I said touching my lips

"We do." San said

"We are in love with the new member. We aren't even g*y." I said

Hongjoong POV

"Hey where's Wonyoung?" Mingi said to me as we walked towards the school exit

"Is he in the nurses office still?" I walked towards the building to enter again before San pulled me back

"He's gone hyung."

"What do you mean?" I moved back

"He ran off . Properly back to his house I don't know." He shrugged

I grabbed his arm again "what the hell did you do?" I said

"It's- it's" he kept stuttering.

I slapped the back of his head "Are you dumb say it."

Before he could continue stuttering Seonghwa came along with Yeosang.

"Me and him kissed wonyoung. Wonyoung got scared and ran off."

I could feel my blood boil as I clenched my fist

Why was I feeling so jealous!

"Now why would you do that?" I stared at them

"He makes me attracted like how a girl would.." San said as he rubbed the back of his head

"I can't lie same.." Yeosang said

"I think we are all either crazy or infatuated by this little guy." I said

"Let me tell manager so we can find him." I picked up my phone and rang manager

Wonyoung POV

I ran out of the school and kept running until I could see my old house

I cried and fell onto my knees

I miss my mum, dad and brother even though he caused all of this mess I am in

As I continued to cry I could feel a prescence beside me

I could feel a hand over my shoulder

"Look what the rat brought in." Kai said as he bent down

I kept my head down as I could feel more tears fall

"Please.." I said quietly

He moved his ear closer "what speak louder I can't hear."

"Please- please I can't do it anymore. I just want to live without being trapped." I said as I moved towards him and fell to his feet

I was practically begging him

He began to chuckle "I never knew this day would come.."

"Please I'll do anything I can't stay in that group anymore. Please." I held onto his leg

He grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me up

I could barely look at his face as tears continued to fill my eyes. I knew for a fact my face was as red as a pumpkin right now from all the crying.


As she continued to cry and hold onto my feet my heart softened a little.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her up. I looked at her face and saw her swollen lips and tear stricken cheeks.

"Tell you what. If you work in my clubs I'll let you off. Your face is pretty and body is not that bad." I said as I looked her up and down

She continued to cry as she contemplated what I was saying

"What do I- I have to do." She said as she kept on trying to catch her breath from crying

"Just talk to men. Serve them drinks. The usual." I said as I moved her hair away from her face

"I'll be there to protect you from anyone weird."

"It's better than being stuck with random men isn't it?"

She looked up at me with her teary eyes "Would my brothers debt be paid of then?"

"Of course."

If only she knew what I had in mind

"I'll do it." She said naively

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