03 | Bullies

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Seong hwa POV

I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water.

That freak must be so hungover.

I walked over to his room and saw the door ajar.

I peered inside to see it was empty.

"Where is he.." I muttered leaving the glass of water beside his bed.

I could see a shadow outside his window near the gate of our apartment.

The shadow moved closer to the body as the person moved away.

"What you doing here?" Wooyoung said as he stared out the window.

"Couldn't see wonyoung." I replied turning around about to leave.

"Isn't that him.." He replied before running downstairs.

I ran down with him.

Wooyoung POV

I sprinted down the stairs.

I could see wonyoung being held by a man as he tried to move away.

I could see tears on his face..

What the f*ck was going on..

I heard wonyoung whisper "Once I get my first payment-"

The man moved his hand down wonyoungs body as wonyoung fought him.

"Who are you." I said as I pulled wonyoung back towards me and hid him behind me.

I could hear the members come out.

"I'm wonyoungs cousin." The man replied

"I was just so proud of his debut." He said as he came toward wonyoung to wipe his tears.

Wonyoung hid behind me more, I sensed his discomfort so I put my hand on his chest.

"It's better you leave before my leader comes out."

"Wonyoung tell them.." he said

I could see Wonyoung shifting uncomfortably.

"Yeah- that's my cou- cousin."

I could hear the lies.

Hongjoong came towards us "Well sorry no family visits are permitted at this time. I would recommend coming back tommorow." He dragged him towards the gates.

Wonyoung POV

I shuddered as I saw Kai being dragged away.

"What is going on have you got sasengs already." San said scoffing

"Shut up San." Mingi said elbowing him.

"Are you okay? What's up with your cousin." Wooyoung said as he looked at me concerned.

"Did he hurt you anywhere." Mingi said

"No I'm okay.. thank you."

Why were they being so nice suddenly...

"Well don't welcome more weirdos here." San said as he walked back inside.

They began turning around and I stood there trying to process what happened.

"Let's go back in, it's cold." Mingi said putting his arm around me

He tickled the bottom of my chin as I laughed

"You're such a girl. You're so ticklish and your skin is soft." I froze up after he said that

"No- no I'm not." I said cowering away

"Yeah. Yeah." He laughed of

"No really. I am just really petite. I have a health condition-"

He poked my stomach.

"Okay okay mr soft and skinny." He mocked

I poured before walking off from him.

I can't be caught

I went back to bed and shut my eyes to forget what happened today.

Next morning

I got up to see a uniform at the end of my bed.

I yawned before checking the time.

Oh my gosh I'm a hour late.

I quickly rushed into the bathroom.


"Hyung shouldn't we have taken him today.." Yeosang said to me

"He's late. Not our faults" I said looking at the other members

"Don't do this again. We have to keep up positive relationships for the public." Hongjoong said as he continued to read his newspaper.

The limousine stopped as we started getting out towards school.

As soon as we stepped out girls started running towards us.

Karina ran into my arms before she could I pushed my hand into her face.

"No no." I said

"Oppa I missed you!" She whined trying to come closer.

I laughed "Go your minions are waiting." I said pushing her away

"He's so hot.." I heard girls whispering as we walked passed

"Where's the new member?" Somi said

She looked around us.

"If anyone asks about him don't say anything I don't wanna be associated with him." I said to Yeosang as I rushed past

During first lesson

Hongjoong POV

The home room teacher came in with a disheveled wonyoung.

He looked adorable with his shirt to big for him and his tie done loosely showing his lower neck.

His face was red, guess he ran over here and his hair was all messy.

"Welcome your new classmate." The teacher said

"Nice to meet you let's get along well!" He said before bowing.

San kicked the students chair in front of him.

The student threw a paper at Wonyoung who held the side of his head where the paper fell.

I glared at San to stop him.

"You can sit near Somi." He said to Wonyoung

Wonyoung walked timidly towards her

Before he could the student San spoke to earlier put his leg out and this caused Wonyoung to fall.

Mingi POV

Before he could fall I held onto his waist.

He shut his eyes and I stared at his long eyelashes.

His lips were pursued shut.

So beautiful..

Shut up what am i thinking

Before I could say anything he pushed me off and sat in his seat.

San laughed with his friend at this.

The lesson continued and I couldn't keep my eyes of wonyoung.

He was the opposite, avoiding all of our eyes and focusing on the class.

I could see Somi lovingly staring at him.

He's already got fans..

Lunch break skip

I stood up with Hongjoong we walked towards Wonyoung.

"Let's ask him to eat with us." I said and Hongjoong agreed

Before we could somi pulled him out of his seat and dragged him away.

"We gotta sort her out before she become an issue."

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