12 | What's next?

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Mingi POV

I grabbed a wash cloth as I wiped away the blood off wonyoungs legs.

If we were in different circumstances I would have been turned on, she was in her undergarments and had her dresses ripped of.

But all I could feel was pain... as I looked at her face which was pale and full of tears.

Gosh they went rough on her...

I could see her wince as I rubbed the blood of her legs. I lifted my hand up to reduce the pressure.

"What have you got yourself into.." I could feel my eyes well up as I saw the blood wipe away and her legs filled with bruises

Why am I so emotional right now...

As I continued to wipe I couldn't feel anything but guilt for the state she was in.. but at the same time she caused this right?

I heard footsteps towards the door and I quickly wiped my tears away with my shirt.

I stood up and moved away from her a little.

Yeosang, San and Seonghwa walked in together.

Seonghwa gasped as he saw wonyoung in the state she was in.

"I told you it was bad.." San whispered as he looked at wonyoung with guilt

"Bad... what the hell she is half naked with bruises!" Seonghwa shouted

Yeosang put his hand on seonghwa's chest. "This is not the time bro." He said as he rushed towards wonyoung

"Is he- I mean she breathing?" Yeosang said as he sat beside wonyoung.

"Only a little. It's very shallow." I replied

I watched as he put the medical kit down beside her and opened the kit.

He moved her sweat-filled hair away from her face as he put his fingers on her neck.

He counted silently as we watched his movements

"Okay that's good... I think she's fainted from exhaustion and shock. I will just wrap up her legs." He said with some relieve to his face

He moved to get out a bandage and wrap it around wonyoungs legs. I felt a need to remove his hands from her legs but I refrained from doing anything.

The main fact is I am glad she is still breathing..

"You guys were to rough." Seonghwa said

San itched the back of his head.

The room fell silent as we continued to stare at wonyoungs lifeless body which Yeosang continued to wrap in bandages

Hongjoong came inside the room "It was needed to teach her. Guess we just pushed her too far."

His sleeves were rolled up and he had water dripped from his hair as if he had thrown water all over himself.

"Don't feel so guilty. We have to teach her a lesson. If this gets out we will lose our careers we worked so hard for."

We all looked at each other remembering the hours we spent practising to become idols...

He is right... she would have never learnt without this.

"So what happens now is she in our group? Do we kick her out?" San said

"It will be to suspicious to kick her out so early especially after the contract we made with the show." Seonghwa pushed in

"I agree. Let's just make her stay until we can find another replacement." Yeosang said

"Agreed." Seonghwa said

"I believe we have an agreement." Hongjoong said

"But what about the fact she's a girl!" San said impatiently

I could see he was getting nervous about his... urges.

"She is under our group so she is ours. But don't go to hard on her she is really weak." Hongjoong said

I could see San smirking and that made me fear for Wonyoung.

But I fear for myself... what will I do to her if I am left alone with her?

"I am glad she is not a guy. I thought I was going crazy." San said as he wiped a sweat of his head looking at wonyoung's body

He walked towards her body and licked his lips as he reached out to her chest

Yeosang held his arm "Dude... she is literally recovering. Keep it in your pants."

San huffed as he walked back "You were all over her legs!"

Hongjoong cleared his throat making all of us stare back at him

"Okay. Let's all go we need to be up early for practice. Including wonyoung she has to practise her lines." He said as he turned around

Seonghwa followed and Yeosang began following behind

I stared at San who hoovered over her body.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards the exit

"We got to be up early remember!" I said loudly

He whined as he held onto my hand

Wonyoung POV

I could feel the light shine onto my face but my body felt stiff.

I sat up and felt a stinging pain on my legs

I opened my eyes to see my legs covered in banadages and my clothes ripped open

My eyes teared up as I had a flashback to last night.

I pulled a pillow into my arms as I cried.

"Please.. god help me." I rocked myself back and forward

As I continued to cry I could feel someone rub my back up and down. I bolted forward but stopped immediately as my legs burned.

"Wonyoung stop your going to hurt yourself more." Jongho said

"You guys have hurt me enough."

He moved his hands to pull me back but I slapped them away

"I'm just trying to help you.." He moved forward to face me

I turned away with my eyes full of tears

"Please let me help you. If I don't take you to the practise rooms they'll be more rough with you." He said as he pushed my hair away from my eyes.

I moved away again.

"Please I don't want you to be in any more pain." He begged

"Fine.." I sighed

"But don't touch me." I angrily stared at him

I don't want anyone's hands over me.

"Okay.." He moved back

I tried to stand up but fell to the floor he quickly moved to the side to keep me from falling further.

"You have to let me atleast help you walk." He said

I winced as he picked me up bridal style.

I hated this but I couldn't even control my legs.

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