10 | The big reveal

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Wonyoung POV

I was sat down in a chair as a women started applying makeup on me.

She pushed the foundation harshly into my skin and I squirmed.

"Girl you better stay still before I make you." She said as she continued to roughly apply the makeup

She then pulled me up and started to pull at the sleeves of my top.

"I can- can do it myself." I moved back and held onto my sleeve

I could feel tears in my eyes but refused to look at the lady as I know it would make me breakdown

"Better get used to it anyway." She said as she threw a skimpy dress my way

"Get ready in 5 minutes your up." She shut the door behind her leaving me in the large changing room

I picked up the dress to see it was so tight and full of sequins.

It looks so tacky

I continued to sob.

How did I get into this situation

Before I knew it the lady came back in and glared at me.

"Did I tell you to get dressed or not?" She shouted at me

I nodded before hesitantly taking off my top and jeans

She inspected me up and down before leaving the room

I pulled the dress over my head and felt disgusted at the way the fabric clinged to my skin

I could feel the dress riding up as I made any movement

"Okay let's go." The lady said as she pushed my feet into heels and dragged me towards a large door

"Break a leg. Or they'll break you." She whispered as she pushed me into the bright light

I could barely see as I raised a hand up to my eyes

I could hear people whispering and cheering

"Dance for us!"

"Are you a stick?"

I slowly opened my eyes to see a crowd of men staring at me

I want to go home

I'm scared

I felt paralysed and could barely move

The music turned on and I was again pulled to the front by Kai

He grabbed my forearm and whispered into my ear "You want to pay the debt of right? You better give a hell of a show."

He looked at my face then down at my body and smirked

I could barely react I felt scared and paralysed

He pulled me again towards the front

Men continued to scream at me

People began to leave which is when Kai angrily rushed towards me again

"What the f*ck do you think you're doing? I better just sell you of!" He shouted as he raised his hand up

I shut my eyes waiting for a sudden pain.. but nothing came

Instead Hongjoong came and pulled Kai away from me

Everything else way a blur I could see the members look at me concern

I felt a jacket drape over my shoulders as I was turned away from the stage

I could barely move but they held me and kept me moving

Once we got in the car I fell asleep and couldn't control my body


I woke up and looked over at Wonyoung who was still asleep

Her chest rose up and down

I could see her features clearly and the mascara and eyeliner they put on her from yesterday was all smeared across her face

I picked up a makeup wipe as I walked towards her limp body

Slowly I wiped her skin to remove it from all makeup and I could see the wonyoung I knew..

So damn beautiful

I put my hands through her hair and enjoyed the scent of her

Atleast I wasn't going crazy and I did like her

I just wanna peck her lips

I moved closer until I could feel her breath fanning my lips

I put my lips on hers and forced my tongue in and felt her eyes open

She was confused and started to get grasp of the situation and began failing her arms to push me off

"Mmm" she cried as she pushed me with her weak little wrists

I pulled them above her.

"You think you can lie to us?" I whispered in her ear

She had tears in her eyes as she tried to look away from me

"Don't look away from me." I pulled her chin towards me and I could see her red flush cheeks and bruised lips

Even in this form I liked her

"Let me go." She said struggling against me

"Can't your apart of Ateez now." I said as I looked at her

"Now I need to check if you're actually a girl." I moved my body closer down to hers

She squirmed and cried out as I began to roam my hands around her body

I grabbed her chest and she began screaming and shaking

I then moved my hand down to her ass and cupped her

She continued to sob and hyperventilate

Suddenly Hongjoong opened the door and instead of grabbing me he just stared at her

"Help me." She said crying as I continued to roam around her

"Why should I? You lied to us." He said with his arms crossed

"Do you know how this affects our image?" He shouted at her

She continued to cry and shake from side to side

I slapped her cheek "listen to him!" I shouted

Her cries silenced down as she kept her face to the side

"Get off San. Get the whip."

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