04 | Don't get on my nerves

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Wonyoung POV

I was dragged out of my desk by Somi before I could even put my books under my desk.

"Wait up." I said trying to catch up to her pace as she run with me in her arms.

We arrived at the canteen which was huge..

My old school barely had edible food but this place had so much food.

"Oppa what do you want to eat? I'll plate it up for you." Somi said as she grabbed a tray and began putting food on it.

I could see the members staring at me as I was being dragged by her.

"It's okay.. I can do it by myself." I said laughing slightly awkwardly

"Oppa it's okay I wanna feed you! You're so skinny we need you to be healthy." She said as she pulled me to a table and began shoving food in my mouth

Other girls stared at us and I could feel myself choking on food.

I put my hand up to move her away.

Is this a saseng or something...

She got the soup closer to me but I pushed it away and it fell all over my shirt

"Oppa I'm so sorry." She said as she wiped my body whilst groping my chest

I moved back and got out of my seat pushing her hands off me.

"That's enough Somi." Hongjoong said as he came towards us

"I didn't mean to!" She said annoyed as she stared at him

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked a student who pointed towards the corridor.

I ran towards the bathroom and washed the soup of my shirt

It's gone transparent now I can't let my bindings show..


I walked into the bathroom angrily after seeing that commotion

"Are you stupid?" I shouted at wonyoung who looked up confused

"Huh?" He said as he continued tapping his shirt

I could see his transparent shirt and water dripping from his face

I could feel myself getting h*rd down there

What the hell is wrong with me

I stormed towards him pushing him to the wall

"Are you a idiot don't let people push you about. You're apart of ateez now." I said as I stared at his lips

I moved closer towards his neck he even smelt like a girl

"Why the hell do you act like a girl." I said pushing him further into the wall

He froze staring at me and started pushing me

"Let me go." He said pushing me with his weak hands

I pulled his hands above his hand

"Don't tell me what to do." I said as I leaned forward towards him I felt a arm pull me back

Mingi glared at me before going to wonyoung

"Are you ok?" He said whilst caressing wonyoungs head

Wonyoung nodded as he hid behind Mingi and avoided my gaze

What's wrong with me

I turned around and walked away

Mingi POV

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