02 | Please let me live

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Yeosang POV

I passed San over a cigarette and lit my own.

F*ck I needed this..

"The public's reactions been pretty good to the newbie.." San said

"I know I'm surprised." I replied tiredly.

I wonder where he is.. urgh forget it I don't even wanna see his face.

Karina stumbled in "Hey I didn't even get an invite!" She took San's cigarette.

San snatched it off her "Are you dumb! There's so many eyes around." He threw it on the ground.

"That's our cue to go back." I threw mine on the floor and began turning back.

Karina whined as she stomped of back inside.

"One day she is gonna get us in trouble-" I said before a head pushed into me.

I looked down and saw Wonyoung whose face was extremely flushed.

"Sorry-" He said as he stumbled in the direction of the bathroom. He was barely able to stand, Sung Il really is testing his limits.

San looked at him disgusted "Why is that moron making himself in a state."

I laughed at him whilst staring at wonyoung who fell onto the bathroom floor before vomiting.

"We can't leave him like that.." I felt a little bad as we have been nothing but horrible to the kid.

"Yeah but we didn't even want him. He's such a waste of space-" San stopped speaking as Hongjoong walked up the stairs.

He looked around "Have you seen wonyoung?" He said.

I pointed to the bathroom.

Hongjoong POV

I turned to see wonyoung on the floor.

So tiny and vulnerable.

I began rubbing his back up and down as he vomited.

From close I noticed how smooth his skin was with no facial hair he almost looked like a girl up close.

His lips were red and cheeks flushed from vomiting. He is a visual.

What the hell am I thinking.

I shook my head as I continued to rub his back.

"Are you okay?" I said to wonyoung who had closed his eyes.

His mouth was parted and he slumped to the side.

"He's out." Yeosang said as he came closer.

"He needs to go home before reporters can see him in this state.. good knows what dispatch would report." San said whilst staring down at wonyoung.

"Yeah let's start heading down. I'll bring him you guys get the car." I said as I wiped the sides of Wonyoungs lips with tissue.

They both looked at me before turning around.

I pulled wonyoung up and leaned his arm on me.

He felt so light and fragile.. is he even eating.

I could see him sweating and breathing slowly.

Mingi POV

Inside the car

I looked at Wonyoung whose head was hitting the car frame.

"Dudes waisted." I said

Hongjoong moved wonyoungs head to his shoulder.

"I know, just thought it would be better for us to not been seen in any sort of light due to dating rumours." He said.

"He's burning up." Jong ho said as he touched wonyoungs forehead.

Wonyoung slapped his hand away before muttering slightly.

"Unnie.. it's so hot." He said

Wtf he must be so drunk

San and Jong ho started laughing at this.

He pulled his shirt down revealing his collar bones.

"Turn the AC on." Hongjoong said as he wiped the sweat of wonyoungs face.

"He is so skinny, if it wasn't for the show I'd think he's a girl." I said staring at wonyoungs delicate features.

"Yeah he's so light I wonder if he even eats right." Hongjoong said concerned.

"Who cares." San scoffed

Back at the mansion

Hongjoong left wonyoung on the sofa as he had an urgent call to attend to.

Wooyoung pov

"Yah take him upstairs please." Hongjoong said to me as he ran of to answer a call.

I rolled my eyes.

Me, San and Mingi looked down at the drunk wonyoung with his body sprawled across the sofa.

"Anyways I've got plans.." Mingi said rubbing the back of his head as he walked off.

"I hate him." San said picking up his hand as if to slap the poor kid

"Just go I'll take him."

I picked up wonyoung.

Damn he is light like Hongjoong said I could feel his bones.

He also looked really pretty.. he was definitely chosen as visual.

I laid him down on his bed before unbuttoning his shirt.

One by one I removed the buttons. Wonyoungs soft hands grabbed mine.

"I'm just helping you change." I said as I removed his shoes.

Wonyoung moaned and tossed to the side.

I went to his trousers and began unbuttoning them before I could continue I heard Hongjoong calling my name.

I quickly left the room and turned of the light.

Wonyoung POV

I woke up in the night overheated from all the drinks.

I saw my shirt was open and jeans pulled down

Oh gosh did they find out?!?

I bit my lip as I stood up and nervously walked up and down.

Before I could even overthink more my phone rang.


"Come outside." The voice replied

I sighed and quickly put my shoes on

It hasn't even been a day and I'm being harassed life's already tough


I looked at wonyoung running out the house with a untucked shirt and messy hair.

"You finally turned up." I said as I walked towards her.

"Sorry I was asleep-" before she could continue I touched her hair.

"You look more better like this." I whispered in her ears as I felt her shudder.

She moved away, before she could I grabbed her waist and came closer to her ears.

"You'd better use this body to repay all your brothers debt or else I'll have to take back my collateral." I traced my fingers over her neck

"I've already entered this stupid competition and this group! I'm trying my hardest to pay you back." She said as tears streamed down her red checks.

"I said once I get my first payment-" before she could continue she was pulled out of my hands.

"Who are you?" The man said as he held wonyoungs wrist and hid her behind himself.

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