06 | Why don't you ever change with us

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Mingi POV

I saw San storm off leaving wonyoung confused.

Wonyoung looked up at me with teary eyes "I don't know what happened." He said as tears flowed down

I could feel my heart melt as I saw his tears streaming down

I hugged him "He is just confused."

We can't really be attracted to this guy..

When I hugged him I felt it even more.

What is wrong with me.

"Let's go we have to perform." I said pulling him with me

"Again.." he whined

"It is our job." I smirked as I carried on pulling him along

We got to the stage and the members all stood there

Suddenly the music started playing (Halazia)

We all started to dance but in the corner of my eye I could see wonyoung struggling to keep up with us

As it got to the chorus he became more confident and I felt proud of him

I could see his sweat dripping down the side of his head.

Hope he is okay..

"Hala- Hala- Hala- Hala- Halazia" Seonghwa sang as we all continued dancing

The performance ended and the crowd all started clapping

I was glad the lights were out so they couldn't identify us clearly

"Well done." I said to wonyoung as I ruffled his hair

"You're sweating so much." Hongjoong said to him as he passed him a towel

"Thanks." He said as he rubbed his forehead

As we came of the stage a bunch of girls ran up to us

"Oppa please sign this!" They were screaming as they pushed albums to us as well as their bodies

The same girl who kissed wonyoung earlier also came.

I saw wonyoung awkwardly smiling at the girl "I can't drink with you sorry." He said

She continued to push her body on him

"Please Oppa. I'll treat you well." She was moving her hands down his body

I couldn't see well what was happening as I was being bombarded to

Yeonsang POV

I signed the fans albums as I huffed "A night out they say and I'm hearing performing and signing albums." I muttered silently

"What Oppa?" The fan said smiling

"Nothing! Just happy to see you." I smiled

I saw wonyoung in the corner being assaulted by the same girl as earlier she put her hands on his chest and trailed it down.

Wonyoung pushed her back but she grabbed his ass

That's enough.

I pushed the album in the fans hands

Before I could even get to the fan Hongjoong and Mingi pulled her away

"You cannot touch a member like that." Mingi shouted as he glared at the fan

The fan's eyes watered

Hongjoong pushed him away "calm down." He said to him

"We understand you're excited to see us. But you cannot touch us inappropriately, we need security to escort you out." He said as security came towards them

"Oppa! I am sorry." She screamed as she reached out to wonyoung

"Are you okay?" I said to wonyoung

"Yeah.. I just can't get used to it." He said flustered

"Next time we see fans stand beside me." Hongjoong said

"You can't even stand up for yourself." San muttered rolling his eyes

The fans started leaving slowly and we all went towards the car

"I'm so sleepy..." Wonyoung said with a slight stir in his words

"Just sleep." Yunho said as he picked him up

Wonyoung put his legs around yunho as he leaned his head on his shoulder

"Thanks hyung..." he said as he shut his eyes

"He's so cute." I said as I squeezed his cheeks

Mingi laughed and did the same

"This guy is so light. Is he on a diet or something." Yunho said

"I know right. I will need to give him more protein in his diet." Hongjoong replied

We all got in the car and went home

Wonyoung POV

I opened my eyes to see I was in my bed and my alarm was going off

"Oh shoot I am late again for school." I scrambled to get ready

As I left the room to get my uniform I saw the members still in their pyjamas

"Am I not late?" I said to Hongjoong

"No. We are also leaving now we were a bit tired." He said as he ate his cereal

I nodded as I was about to go and get changed before they all went

Hongjoong held me by my arm

"Sit and have your cereal. Stop skipping meals it's bad for you." He said

I was pushed into the chair beside San, immediately I cowered more towards Hongjoong

"But I'm not hungry.." I whined

"No complaints just eat."

"I also saw your so light. I could have held you with one arm." Yunho said

I began eating my cereal as they continued to talk about how tiny I was

If only they knew how hard I worked to lose all my weight

"Okay done. I'll go get ready now." I said getting up

"Just come to our changing rooms." San said pulling the chair closer to him

"I'm fine.." I laughed awkwardly

"Why don't you ever change with us." He said curiously

"Just like my privacy." I shrugged

"You're so peculiar." Mingi laughed

"What is there even to hide. Your like sticks and bones." He poked at my sides and I started laughing

"Okay- okay stop." I laughed pulling away from him

He continued and I suddenly lost my balance and fell onto San's lap

I heard San growl and immediately got up and ran towards my room

I quickly changed and waited in the living room.

The members came out one by one "let's go." Hongjoong said

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