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The first month went by so slow. The whole cast was either filming or out in bars drinking. We were all sitting in our chairs waiting for the directors to start.

My hair was braided and I had a tank top on with jean shorts. It was pretty cold out and I had a blanket on me.

"K look," Tom showed me a picture of the warm beach. "Thanks that makes me feel better" Austin showed up with his big leather jacket and winter coat.

He started to giggle looking over at me. "What," I said looking at him. "You look cold over there" I was truly it was 40 degrees outside.

"I don't have any big jackets" my arms went back underneath the blanket. He was giggling more.

Next thing I knew he's jacket was on me before I could look at him. I pulled it around my whole body. God I loved his jacket, it was so warm.

I found myself starting to fall asleep in my big chair with Austin jacket and my blanket. It must have been a couple of hours because I woke up and I didn't realize where I was.

But I was warm and that's what mattered. The door opened and Austin came in with a couple of Starbucks drinks. "You look warm and cozy" I smiled at him.

He handed me a hot chocolate with a cake pop. My mind went blank I had no idea the last time I ate. Austin always remembered the small details. If I slept that day or eat. He was always worried with my schedule.

"Thanks Aus" he sat right on the couch I was sitting on. "Do you want to watch a movie" "Aren't we suppose to be on set," I asked.

"No everyone took a break because of the cold" He went to Amazon and signed in to his account and found all the movies he bought.

He picked The Notebook, my face lit up. Once I movie started I knew that I was slowly inching my way to Austin more. I ended up putting my whole head just resting on his shoulder.

Aus put his arm around me. We were sitting together so peacefully, no one made a sound the whole movie until tears started rolling down my cheeks.

My hand tried to push them away, Austin got there before me. He was facing me and wiping the tears away. I smiled at him.

"You always cry during the ending" the way he was looking at me made it look like I was his wife.

"Yeah I know I always do," I told him. "It's so sad and happy because they're perfect together," I said. He sat there looking at me. Suddenly he put his hand on my cheek. "You know you're my favorite person"

I felt hot, he still made me feel things. "Really I didn't think I was anyone's favorite person" "When did I become your favorite person," I asked. "The first time I saw you"

I sat back and looked at him truly. He was perfect. Maybe it was the way he looked at me because he was just gorgeous.

I was filming a scene with Austin where we both at this part house in the night.

I had grabbed a bottle of vodka and started to walk outside where they had 2 cameras rolling. One in the house and outside to get my honest reaction.

My feet were shaking down the steps and staring at the motorcycles all lined up. I don't know where I went wrong but I think I tripped on something and started going down.

My mind went blank and I felt arms around me. Austin caught me but the cameras were still rolling. "You alright" I shook my head. "Lacey right?" "You remember my name" "Yeah, Mr.Smith's store" I nodded my head.

"And cut," the director said. My hands were cold. Austin grabbed my hand for a moment.

"Thanks for catching me Aus" "Yeah" He was walking in front of me and I started to run and climb on his back. He caught me and fixed where I was on his back. My head laid on his back the rest of the time we walked back to the trailers

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