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It was finally time to go back home. It was a crazy trip. I think seeing Austin made me feel almost happy to see that he was moving on from me and moving on from our relationship. I was happy for him.

We got off the plane and I had my driver take me home. Once I got to my apartment I flopped right on my bed. It was amazing to be back with the palm trees and ocean.

Now I could finally have a break from everyone. When I was on my trip I no I felt like I needed a break from acting currently. No phone calls at 3 in the morning or last minute flight to LA just relaxing. I told my manager that she could have time off. I didn't tell her how much because she thought I was only going to be off for a couple months.

I don't know when I'll leave my break but I no this will be my biggest break. The Elvis cast flue home today also. Most of them live in the United States but I hope there not jet lagged after being gone for a couple of months.

It was June 20th thank god it's summer here. I live for the summer. The fall is not my favorite but still beats fall in Wisconsin.

I was walking into my library when I got a call. I picked up my phone "hello." "Hey Kaylen," it was Austin's voice. "Hi," was all I said back. "Umm I no you didn't want to talk about your panic attack during the trip but if you want too I'm in Charleston right now." Why was he in Charleston. Shouldn't he be in LA. "Umm yeah sounds good how long are you going to be here for," I asked. "Until fall probably I want to spend my summer here while everyone cools down a bit from Elvis."

Okay yeah Austin spent most of his time here with me every day for 2 years what do I expect it's his home too. "Okay umm how about tomorrow morning we go to the coffee shop down from the beach that you always liked." "I'm pretty sure you're the one who always liked that shop," he started giggling. "Oh yeah you're right anyway 9 sound good," I asked him. "Yeah of course bye." "Bye."

Okay wow I'm going on a date with my ex boyfriend. No it's just coffee and his there to talk about your feelings not a date.

I got so worried what am I going to wear. Okay Kaylen take a deep breath it's not until tomorrow and you usually go in a sweater and leggings no big deal.

I decided to read to get my mind off the "date" for the whole night.

The next morning I woke up and had plenty of time to get dressed. Wow I'm usually late for coffee's with Austin. He didn't mind when we were dating he just thought it was cute, me going around my room putting together an outfit quickly.

Now I have 2 hours to get ready. I decided to find an outfit first. I looked through my closet. I found a pale yellow dress in my closet. Wow I don't even remember this one. I thought it looked pretty so I put it on.

I had all the time in the world but I did a little makeup and some chapstick because I hated lipstick on me when I was drinking coffee. I grabbed my white converse, tote bag and headed out the door.

I knew I was going to be early like way to early so I decided to walk. It wasn't that far away from my apartment building because the beach it about a street away. The coffee shop was sitting right on the corner of the beach with a bunch of buildings next to it.

Another reason why I love it here is because an antique shop was just to the right of the coffee shop. I went inside first to wait.

Clearly Austin was early too I only waited about 10 minutes until he came in. It was only 8:50am. He came in with a smile on his face.

Austin had sunglasses on then took off because he was in a building and I saw those blue eyes of his. They were as blue as the ocean. Austin came over to me and looked at me up and down. "So do you want to sit outside or inside."

"Is outside alright with you," I asked. "Totally." We then began to go outside where you could see the beach and the people making sandcastles.

We sat down and Austin took one look at me and I instantly melted. No Kaylen stop every time this man looks at you, you melt.

"So how have you been," Austin started. "Good we finished filming Outer Banks like a couple of weeks ago." "I can't wait to watch it when it comes out," he said.

"Thanks," I said. We had a long talk about filming different things, new roles Austin got. I was excited for him.

"So how are you feeling," Austin said. "I'm fine." Austin looked at me. I was playing with my hands. "I know you're not acting currently right now," he said. "How do you know that." I didn't even tell Mads. "Your manager called me saying you were taking a break," Austin said.

Oh dear, why does my manager say anything. "Oh," was all I said. Austin held my hand from the table. I needed to say something to him. "Yeah I just want a break right now I don't know how long the break will be," I told him.

Austin put his hand on my cheek. "I know when you're ready you'll be ready." I was happy he understood. Once we finished coffee we started to walk to the beach.

The beach wasn't that busy. Austin and me walked and talked along the beach for an hour.

Austin walked me back to my car. "Thank you." Austin just smiled. "Bye," I said to Austin. "Bye bean." And he walked back to his car.

That stupid nickname he gave me when we just started dating and he keeps using it till this day.

Wow I'm a writing again I hope you guys enjoy - Author

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