⚪ The Butterfly Effect 🟡

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It's eight thirty o'clock on a Monday morning. The sun shines bright and the sky is blue. A butterfly flaps its wings and flutters in the air, catching the attention of one Ahn Hyejin.

Hyejin had just gone by her favorite coffee shop and she walked on the side of the road happily. She saw the butterfly and followed it with her eyes. It was rare for a butterfly to be flying in a city like this, and the sight of its flight made Hyejin smile with curiosity and admiration.

Still looking at the butterfly, Hyejin doesn't notice where she's going, and she bumps into a person, accidentally spilling the coffee on her hand all over the woman's harbor grey suit. The woman's facial expression does not change one bit, freaking Hyejin out.

"Oh my goodness! I am so, so sorry!" Hyejin immediately apologized to the woman, shocked with what she just did.

"Oh. It's alright.." the woman doesn't seem to be surprised at all. She still looked dignified, standing tall with her three-inch heels and long black hair. She simply looks at her stained suit before checking the time on her watch.

"Here, uh, let me wipe it off" Hyejin tried to search her bag for some tissue, but the woman stopped her.

"There's no need, really. I'm in a hurry, so here's my business card."
The woman handed Hyejin her card and walked away with quick but graceful steps.

Hyejin politely took the card and turned her head to watch the woman leave. She blinked a couple of times, taking everything in. That was one weird encounter.

Jung Wheein, as much as she hates being a CEO, can't quit her job. Her father's company had just been passed on to her, and despite the dislike for it, it was the only thing that was giving her life significance.

She drove her car and parked at a walking distance away from the company building. She didn't want others to make way for her, nor did she want unneeded attention. Like usual, she walked to the building, knowing that by now her employees had settled down inside.

It was just her luck that she ran into a woman who had stained her suit with coffee. She was calm. Nothing unusual, just a clumsy person not looking at where she was going. Wheein rolled her eyes, which were thankfully hidden behind the dark sunglasses she wore. She simply handed the woman her business card, before proceeding to the company.

When she got to her office, she took off her suit, tossing it to her secretary and immediately sat down. Her secretary, Kim Yongsun rushed to her, putting down a big pile of paperwork on her desk. Wheein silently sighed. There was a lot of work to be done.

"I've already sorted out the papers for you earlier. A lot of them need your signature."

Wheein nodded. She took off her sunglasses. She picked up a paper and read it. Her brows slightly furrowed reading the contents. "Yongsun."


"Have my suit cleaned. Shred this one." Whee-in grabbed another piece of paperwork and read it. "And this one too. Tell Moon Byul I want to talk to her." She ordered, without bothering to look at Yongsun.

Yongsun obediently bowed and left, taking the papers. She gestured to Moon Byul to get inside Wheein's office when she passed by the latter's desk, telling her to be careful.

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